- Wet-into-Wet Watercolor
- Painting the First Washes
- Runny washes
Figure 3a Painting smooth washes using the Wash Camel variant
Figure 3b An active Water Color layer shown in the Layers section of the Objects palette
Plan to work from light-to-dark as you add color washes to your painting. Choose a light color in the Colors section of the Art Materials palette (we chose a light lavender-pink). In the Brushes palette, choose the Wash Camel variant of Water Color. (When you select a Water Color brush and make a brush stroke on your image, Painter will automatically create a new Water Color layer in the image.) When you apply a light, even pressure on your stylus, the Wash Camel will allow you to lay in the wash areas smoothly. The slight bit of diffusion built into the brush will help the brush strokes to blend subtly as you paint. When you make a new stroke, place it next to the previous stroke so that it barely overlaps. Try not to scrub with the brush or paint over areas too many times, unless you want to darken the area. Painter's Water Color operates like traditional transparent Water Color.
Paint with strokes that follow the direction of the forms in your subject. Complete the lightest wash areas, leaving some of the "white of the paper" showing through for the highlights.
Figure 3c The smooth, light-colored washes
Strategic Areas of White
4 Building up the midtones on the flower. Using medium-value colors, begin to develop your midtones, painting lighter colors Þrst, then adding darker tones to continue to develop the form. Keep your light source in mind and let your strokes follow the direction of the forms. To resize the brush, or change its Opacity as you work, use the slider on the Controls:Brush palette (Window, Show Controls, or press Ctrl/1-5). We added deeper colors of lavender-pink, while keeping the brush work loose.
Figure 4a Using the Wash Camel variant to add deeper colors
Figure 4b Continuing to develop the mid tones with the Wash Camel variant
We continued to gradually build up deeper color. As we completed the midtones stage, we switched to the Dry Camel variant of Water Color, which allowed us to add a little more brush stroke texture over some of the wash areas and at the ends of the strokes, while still allowing the new strokes to blend as wet-into-wet.
Figure 4c Painting bristle marks with the Dry Camel variant. The reddish color was added with the Wash Camel variant.