- Modifying Simple Graphics Part 1
- Selecting Lines with the Arrow Tool
- Selecting Fills with the Arrow Tool
- Using a Selection Rectangle
- Using the Lasso Tool
- Selecting Partial Elements
- Deselecting Elements
- Repositioning Elements Manually
- Repositioning Elements Numerically
- Basic Editing Tasks: Cut, Copy, Paste
- Editing Existing Elements with Assistance
- Moving End Points with the Arrow Tool
- Moving Points with the Subselection Tool
- Reshaping Lines
- Reshaping Curves with the Arrow Tool
- Reshaping Curves with the Subselection Tool
- Converting, Removing, and Adding Points
- Reshaping Fills
- Changing the Size of Graphic Elements
- Reorienting Graphic Elements
Moving End Points with the Arrow Tool
You can use the arrow tool to change the length of straight-line and curve segments. Simply grab and reposition the segment's end points.
When you use the arrow tool, the segment you want to modify must not be selected. If the segment is selected, the arrow tool simply moves the segment as a unit. Always note what kind of icon the arrow pointer is displaying as it hovers over the line you want to modify (Figure 3.35).
Figure 3.35 The small icons appearing with the arrow pointer indicate what type of graphic element lies beneath the pointer.
For the following exercises, make sure that the item you want to modify is deselected.
To reposition the end of a line segment with the arrow tool:
Position the pointer over the end point of the line.
The corner-point modifier appears.
Reposition the end point.
The arrow tool now operates like the straight-line tool (the line segment changes to preview mode). Dragging away from the existing line lengthens it; dragging toward the existing line shortens it (Figure 3.36).
Figure 3.36 You can use the arrow tool to change a line segment's length.
Release the mouse button.
Flash redraws the line segment.
To reposition the end point of a curve with the arrow tool:
Position the pointer over the end point of a curve.
The corner-point modifier appears.
Click and drag the end point to the desired location.
Release the mouse button.
Flash redraws the end of the curve (Figure 3.37).
Figure 3.37 You can use the arrow tool to change a curve's length.