- Modifying Simple Graphics Part 1
- Selecting Lines with the Arrow Tool
- Selecting Fills with the Arrow Tool
- Using a Selection Rectangle
- Using the Lasso Tool
- Selecting Partial Elements
- Deselecting Elements
- Repositioning Elements Manually
- Repositioning Elements Numerically
- Basic Editing Tasks: Cut, Copy, Paste
- Editing Existing Elements with Assistance
- Moving End Points with the Arrow Tool
- Moving Points with the Subselection Tool
- Reshaping Lines
- Reshaping Curves with the Arrow Tool
- Reshaping Curves with the Subselection Tool
- Converting, Removing, and Adding Points
- Reshaping Fills
- Changing the Size of Graphic Elements
- Reorienting Graphic Elements
Deselecting Elements
No matter what method you use to select items, there is just one way to deselect individual elements when you have several selected: You must Shift-click with the arrow tool to remove items from a selection.
To deselect individual items:
In the Toolbox, select the arrow tool.
Hold down the Shift key.
Click any highlighted lines or fills you want to remove from the current selection.
Flash removes the highlighting from the item you just clicked (Figure 3.17).
Figure 3.17 With the arrow tool selected, position the pointer over the element you want to remove from the selection (left). Shift-click the item to deselect it (middle). Repeat the process to deselect another item (right).
To deselect everything:
From the Edit menu, choose Deselect All, or press Shift-#-A (Mac) or Shift-Ctrl-A (Windows) (Figure 3.18).
Figure 3.18 Choose Edit > Deselect All to remove selection highlighting from all the graphic elements on the stage.
To deselect all elements quickly, click the arrow tool in an empty area of the Stage or work area.