Workflow Step Five: Printing the Image
Okay, we’ve sorted and organized our images, we’ve edited the Selects, and our client has given us feedback on which image they want to use. Now, I’m going to make them a large-sized print, which is typically what I would do, even though I don’t generally tell the client they’re getting a big print—I do it as my way of saying thanks.
Step One:
Click on the image you want to print, then go to the Print module and, in the Template Browser, click on whichever template you want to use (I chose a preset I created earlier for the image you see here). The default page setup for this template is US Letter (8x11"), so I had to click the Page Setup button (at the bottom of the left side Panels area) and choose a larger size. When the dialog appears, choose the printer, paper size, and orientation, then click OK to apply these settings. You might need to tweak the margins a bit after choosing a new page size, since it doesn’t automatically adjust everything.
Step Two:
Now it’s time to print the image (this is covered in-depth back in Chapter 12). Scroll down to the Print Job panel (in the right side Panels area), and from the Print To pop-up menu at the top, choose Printer. Then, for Print Resolution, since I’m printing to a color inkjet printer, I can leave it at 240 ppi. Make sure the Print Sharpening checkbox is turned on, choose the amount of sharpening from the pop-up menu on the right (I generally choose High), and then choose the type of paper you’ll be printing on from the Media Type pop-up menu (I chose Matte here). If your printer supports 16-bit printing, then you can turn on the 16 Bit Output checkbox. Then, in the Color Management section, choose your Profile and set your rendering Intent (again, covered in Chapter 12). I chose Relative here.
Step Three:
Now, click the Printer button at the bottom of the right side Panels area, and the Print dialog appears (the one shown here is from a Mac, but the Windows print dialog has the same basic features, just in a different layout). Your options will vary depending on your printer, but you’ll want to make sure your printer’s color management is turned off and you’ll want to choose the type of paper you’re printing to.
Step Four:
Let’s print a proof. Click the Print button at the bottom of the right side Panels area, sit back, and wait for that puppy to roll out of the printer. Chances are your print is going to be darker than what you see on your super-bright, backlit computer screen. If so, turn on the Print Adjustment checkbox (at the bottom of the Print Job panel), drag the Brightness slider to the right a bit, and then make another test print to compare to your screen. It might take a couple of test prints to get it right, but once you know how much brighter to make it, remember that setting for other prints on the same type of paper (you can adjust the contrast the same way). However, if there’s a color problem, like the image looks too red, or too blue, etc., then you’ll need to jump back to the Develop module, go to the HSL panel, and lower the Saturation for that color, then make another test print. There you have it—my workflow, from beginning to end. Remember, this workflow stuff is at the very end of the book for a reason: because it only makes sense after you’ve read the rest of the book. So, if anything didn’t make sense, make sure you go back and reference the chapters I gave you here, so you can learn about anything you might have skipped over or didn’t think you’d need.