- Getting started
- Editing photos in the Organizer
- Recognizing what your photo needs
- Making easy color and lighting adjustments
- Correcting photos in Quick Edit mode
- Working in Guided Edit mode
- Guided color correction
- Resizing photos made easy
- Working with Auto Smart Tone
- Opening closed eyes
- Selective editing with the Smart Brush
- Working with camera raw images
Opening closed eyes
We have all had a promising group shot or portrait spoiled by closed eyes. Until now, the solution has been to replace the person with their eyes closed by combining shots using the Photomerge Group Shot tool, which you’ll use in Lesson 8.
Adobe has addressed this very common problem with the Open Closed Eyes tool, which can do the job in just a few clicks.
In the Organizer, right-click the unedited image DSCN0555.jpg and choose Edit With Photoshop Elements Editor from the context menu. In the Editor, use the picker above the work area to switch to Quick Edit mode.
Select the Eye tool (
) from the toolbar. In the tool options pane at the bottom of the workspace, click Open Closed Eyes.
In the Open Closed Eyes dialog, click to select the face of the girl in the center with her eyes closed. Zoom in using the controls below the preview pane; then, click each of the sample faces at the right to see the results. When you’re done, click Reset at the lower right, and then re-select the girl with the closed eyes.
As a more appropriate source for the open eyes you need, you can choose one or more photos of the same girl that are already in your catalog, or images stored on your computer that are not yet managed by Photoshop Elements.
Under Eye Source at the right of the preview pane, click Computer. Navigate to the folder Lessons / Lesson 4 / EyeOpener, select the image DSCN0557.jpg, and click Open. Click to apply the eyes from the second face in the second row.
Click OK. Save the file to your work folder with an appropriate name, to be included in the Organizer but not in a version set; then, choose File > Close.