- Researching Entertainment
- Interactive Entertainment
- The Web in Entertainment Marketing Campaigns
- The Web as a Distribution Medium
The Web as a Distribution Medium
Finally, the main use of the Internet for entertainment may well be as an electronic database from which consumers will choose what they want to see. The content could be sent to a master control unit in your homepossibly a next-generation cable box or to a mobile device. From there, you would decide where and how you want to enjoy it. On the big-screen TV in the family room? On your mobile device (a combination PDA/cell phone/Web device/fax machine) while you're waiting at the airport to catch a plane? On your laptop while you're on the plane? And so on
Just imagine: You can be entertained all the time! It will be your choice to do that. Say you choose yes. What impact will that decision have on the quality of your life and your connection to the real world?
But that is a subject for a future article....