Texture Mapping
After the lighting is set up, texture mapping can be added. I prefer to set the mapping after I have set the lighting parameters, so that I can see instant feedback. Texture mapping adds considerable detail to your models, and Shockwave 3D supports them well. Note, you should not use any of the texture placement settings from 3ds max's Material Editor. Shockwave doesn't support these texture settings. To place and adjust texture mapping, use the UVW mapping tools from the Modify tab.
In the Material Editor for this scene, I used glass, wood, and grass textures to enhance the scene [3.20]. The glass is for the windows and has the following settings:
The RGB color setting for the ambient and diffuse are 238, 239, and 255.
The RGB settings for the specular are 229, 229, and 229.
2-sided is enabled.
Opacity is 35%.
The specular level is 82%.
The glossiness is 38%.
In the Maps tab, the meadow1.jpg texture is added to the reflection channel with a 15% value.
The texture is named "glass" and is applied to all the windows in the house.
Figure 3.20. Textures are added to our model to enhance its realism.
The deck in the back of the house uses the following texture settings:
In the Maps tab, the cedfence.jpg texture is added to the diffuse channel with a 100% value.
Opacity is 100%.
The specular level is 15%.
The glossiness is 62%.
The texture is named "WoodDeck" and applied to the deck by dragging it to the model. The UVW mapping modifier is added to the deck, the mapping type is set to planar, and the UVW settings are set to 2.0 with the texture aligned to the z-axis.
The final texture used is the grass texture, which is applied to the area surrounding the house. Following are the settings for the grass:
RGB is not used.
In the Maps tab, the grass2.jpg texture is added to the diffuse channel with a 100% value.
The specular level is 10%.
The glossiness is 10%.
The texture is named and then applied to the large plane surrounding the house. The UVW modifier is applied, the mapping type is planar, and the UVW settings are set to 8.0 with the mapping alignment set in the z-axis. With the UVW setting set to 8.0, the grass texture starts to tile [3.213.22]. This normally undesirable effect takes on the characteristic of mowed grass that has track lines. I think this actually makes the grass look more realistic.
Figure 3.21. The house with the final textures applied.
Figure 3.22 . The texture of the lawn is more realistic. Also note that a roof can be added as an option. It can be partially transparent, or animated.