Setting Up the Camera
The last thing that we need to set up in 3ds max is the camera. The camera is going to be the view point that your Shockwave 3D movie is going to usethus, the angle that your users are going to see from the scene. Notice that the camera is set up right outside of the door of the house [3.23]. I picked a targeted camera simply because targeted cameras are quicker when pointing at your subject matter.
Figure 3.23. Make sure you adjust the camera's height or z-axis to make it work the same way a human's eyes do.
The camera focal length should be adjusted to accommodate the scene that you are building. For example, this scene [3.23] uses a camera angle that has a FOV (field of view) of 85 degrees. This FOV may seem extreme, but the result is a camera view that achieves what the human eye might see. I always recommend that you use higher FOV settings. Human eyes each see at about 50 degrees; thus, given our pair of eyes, you should use FOV settings that are between 50 and 100.