- Getting started
- Adding graphics from other programs
- Comparing vector and bitmap graphics
- Managing links to imported files
- Updating revised graphics
- Adjusting display quality
- Importing and sizing graphics
- Editing placed pictures
- Working with dropped backgrounds
- Importing native Adobe graphic files
- Using subject-aware text wrap
- Filling type with a graphic
- Using an InDesign library to manage objects
- Exploring on your own
- Review questions
- Review answers
Updating revised graphics
Even after you place text or graphic files in your InDesign document, you can still use other applications to modify those files. The Links panel indicates which files have been modified outside of InDesign and gives you the choice of updating your document with the latest versions of those files.
In the Links panel, the file Title.ai displays an alert icon () in the Status column, indicating that the original file has been modified. This is one of the files that caused the alert message to appear when you first opened this document. You’ll update the link for this file so that the InDesign document uses the current version.
Click the triangle (
) in the Links panel to the left of the file Title.ai to reveal two instances of the imported file (if necessary). Select the instance of the Title.ai file that’s on page 1, and click the Go To Link button (
) to view the graphic. Notice that the modified link icon (
) is also displayed in the upper left of the graphic’s frame on the page. You don’t have to go to the link and view it before you update, but it’s a quick way to double-check which imported file you are about to update and see the results.
Click the Update Link button (
). The appearance of the image in the document changes to represent its newer version, the modified link icon is no longer displayed in the Links panel, and the modified link badge near the upper-left corner of the graphics frame changes from Modified (
) to OK (
Click Butterfly-on-flower.psd, the image behind the title. Look in the upper left of the graphic’s frame where the modified link badge is displayed, the same icon as in the Links panel. Click the modified link badge once to update the image.
To update the rest of the modified links, choose Update All Links from the Links panel menu.
Now you’ll replace the image of the butterfly on the first spread with a different image. You’ll use the Relink button to reassign the link to another graphic.
Choose View > Fit Spread In Window.
Use the Selection tool (
) to select the Butterfly-on-flower.psd image on page 1 again (if necessary). If you click the content grabber, you’ll select the graphic rather than the frame, but for this task, you can select either. You can tell when you’ve selected the right image because the filename becomes selected in the Links panel.
Click the Relink button (
) in the Links panel.
Browse to find the Cover-RedFlower.psd file in the Lesson11 folder, and then click Open. The new image replaces the original image, and the Links panel is updated accordingly.
Click a blank area of the pasteboard to deselect all the objects on the spread.
Choose File > Save to save your work.