Creating a quick mask
To change the color of the glasses frames, you’ll use a quick mask, because you won’t need the mask after you’re done with this one task and so that you can create the mask by painting. First, you’ll clean up the Layers panel.
Hide the Episode Background layer so you can concentrate on the model. Make sure the Model copy layer is selected.
Click the Edit In Quick Mask Mode button near the bottom of the Tools panel. (Until now, you have been working in the default Standard mode.)
In Quick Mask mode, a red overlay appears as you make a selection, masking the area outside the selection the way a rubylith, or red acetate, was used to mask images in traditional print shops. (This idea is similar to the Overlay view mode you saw in Select And Mask.) You can apply changes only to the unprotected area that is visible and selected. Notice that the highlight color for the selected layer in the Layers panel is red, indicating you’re in Quick Mask mode.
In the Tools panel, select the Brush tool (
In the options bar, make sure that the mode is Normal. Open the Brush pop-up panel, and select a small brush with a diameter of 13 px and a Hardness of 100%. Click outside the panel to close it.
Paint the earpiece of the glasses frames. (Magnify the view if it helps you paint more precisely.) The area you paint will appear red, creating a mask.
Continue painting with the Brush tool to mask the earpiece of the frames and the frame around the lenses. Reduce the brush size to paint around the lenses. You can stop where the earpiece goes under the hair.
In Quick Mask mode, Photoshop treats the red overlay as a grayscale mask, where shades of gray correspond to degrees of mask transparency. When using a painting or editing tool in Quick Mask mode, keep these principles in mind:
Painting with black adds to the mask (the red overlay), subtracting from the selected area.
Painting with white erases the mask, adding to the selected area.
Painting with gray or reduced opacity adds semitransparent areas to the mask, where darker shades are more transparent (more masked).
Click the Edit In Standard Mode button (
), which is the same as the Enter Quick Mask Mode button.
Exiting Quick Mask mode converts the Quick Mask into a selection.
Choose Select > Inverse to select the area you originally masked.
Choose Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation. The selection is converted to a layer mask that restricts the Hue/Saturation adjustment to the unmasked area.
In the Hue/Saturation dialog box, change the Hue to +70. The new green color fills the glasses frame. Click OK.
Choose Select > Deselect.