Applying an animation preset
You’ve positioned the type and applied some effects to it. It’s time to add some animation! You will learn several ways to animate text in Lesson 3; for now, you’ll use a simple animation preset that will fade the words Explore Hawaii onto the screen next to the logo. You’ll need to work in the BlueCrabLogo composition so that you can apply the animation to only the EXPLORE HAWAII text layer.
Click the BlueCrabLogo tab in the Timeline panel, and select the EXPLORE HAWAII layer.
Move the current-time indicator to 1:05, which is the point at which you want the text to start fading in.
In the Effects & Presets panel, choose Animation Presets > Text > Animate In.
Drag the Fade Up Words animation preset onto the EXPLORE HAWAII layer in the Timeline panel or over the words Explore Hawaii in the Composition panel. Don’t worry about the text disappearing— you’re looking at the first frame of the animation, before the words have started to appear.
Click a blank area of the Timeline panel to deselect the EXPLORE HAWAII layer, and then drag the current-time indicator to 2:10 to manually preview the text animation. The text appears, one word at a time, until the words Explore Hawaii are fully onscreen at 2:10.