- Getting started
- About animation
- Understanding the project file
- Animating position
- Changing the pacing and timing
- Animating transparency
- Animating filters
- Animating transformations
- Editing multiple frames
- Changing the path of the motion
- Swapping tween targets
- Creating nested animations
- Easing
- Frame-by-frame animation
- Animating 3D motion
- Exporting your final movie
- Review questions
- Review answers
Editing multiple frames
If you need to make the same change across multiple keyframes, you can use the Edit Multiple Frames option above the timeline. The option allows you to make edits that affect many keyframes in the same layer or even across many different layers.
For example, imagine that you liked the animation of the cars in this project, but you wanted to move the animation to a different location on the Stage. Instead of moving every instance at each keyframe of the animation, the Edit Multiple Frames option lets you do one move for all of them at once.
Moving the animation of the cars
You will move the animation of the cars so that they are centered on the Stage.
Lock all the layers except the layers in the cars folder.
Select and hold the Edit Multiple Frames option above the timeline and choose All Frames.
Brackets appear on the timeline indicating the span of frames that will be editable. The All Frames option automatically puts the brackets at the beginning and end to encompass all the frames of the timeline.
Choose Selected Range if you want to select only a span of frames. With the Selected Range option, you can move the beginning or end bracket.
Choose Edit > Select All (Command+A/Ctrl+A).
All the frames in the layers of the cars folder become selected.
While holding down the Shift key, drag the selected group of cars to the left of the Stage. Move the group so that they are generally centered on the Stage.
You are actually moving multiple instances in multiple keyframes across all three layers at the same time.
Deselect Edit Multiple Frames.
Scrub the timeline from frames 70 to 191.
The three cars remain animated with changes in size, color effect, and position, but they have been moved to the center of the Stage.
Save your work. In the next section, you’ll work with a different file.