Review answers
1. Adding or deleting layers in Photoshop, renaming layers, changing the layer stacking order, or changing the layer visibility of a placed Photoshop document in InDesign that has its layers overridden can unintentionally revert all Photoshop layers to their original visibility.
2. You can either create a custom preflight profile using the Preflight panel or activate the Layer Overrides option from the Links panel options.
3. The layer comp properties used in the exercise included the Visibility and Appearance (Layer Style). Additionally, you can choose Position and Layer Comp Selection For Smart Objects.
4. Choose File > Export > Layer Comps To Files.
5. Embedding placed images into an InDesign document makes the InDesign file heavier, makes it impossible to edit the original file in Photoshop or Illustrator, and makes it more difficult to share the placed image with others.