Before you build application code and a client interface, you should define the process of an application as it relates to the user interface.
Each recording session stores three persistent remote SharedObjects: two time tracker SharedObjects and a savedCalls SharedObject. These objects save the recording times and conference session details.
Stream aliases (or virtual directories) allow you to store recorded streams in common locations that are accessible by all applications and application instances running on a virtual host of the FlashCom server.
The elapsed time of each application instance (from the time the first user publishes a stream) must be tracked in order to replay a recorded session in the retrieval client.
As you learned with the server-side ActionScript code of the conference application, you can break up the methods of the application object across several ASC files. This procedure enables you to easily navigate and edit specific functions within your application.
You can use server-side NetConnection objects to connect to other application instances on a FlashCom server. You can connect to an entirely different application and/or FlashCom server.
To check the syntax of lengthy ASC documents, copy and paste the code from the ASC document into the Actions panel of Macromedia Flash MX. Click the Check Syntax icon on the panel's toolbar to locate any errors.
Network latency can contribute to drifting synchronization of the recorded streams during playback. If possible, use the conference recording application within LAN environments. You can also explore more sophisticated synchronization by storing time data within each recorded stream, using the send() method of the NetStream (or Stream) object.