Onscreen Elements
When you launch Fireworks, you see the various Fireworks onscreen elements. These include the Property Inspector, the Tools panel, and the docked panels. The onscreen elements can be moved around to suit your own work habits.
The positions of onscreen elements are saved when you quit the program.
To move onscreen elements to new positions:
Place the mouse cursor on the title bar of the docked panel, the side bar of the Property Inspector, or the top bar of the Tools panel. (To dock and group panels, see the exercises on pages 14 and 15.)
Drag the panel to the new position. A bounding box or preview shows the position of the panel 5.
5 You can drag an onscreen element from one position to another.
Release the mouse button when the panel is in the correct position.
To show or hide onscreen elements:
Choose the name of the item in the Window menu. A checkmark next to the item indicates it is visible. No checkmark indicates the item is hidden.
Press the keystroke listed in the Window menu.
Presenting to a Client or Bossti
If you have to present your work to a client or someone else, you might want to press the Tab key and change the view to the Full Screen mode (as discussed on the facing page). This hides all the onscreen and application elements and presents your work against a black background.
Doing this hides all indications that you are working in a graphics application. Clients are less likely to ask you to move something around, change colors, or increase the type size if they don't see the tools and menu commands.
You can also hide items by clicking the controls on the element.
To hide onscreen elements:
Click the close controller on the item 6.
6 Click the Close button (Mac) or Close Box (Win)to hide one of the onscreen elements.
Choose Commands > Panel Layout Sets to rearrange the onscreen panels for various monitor sizes.
Rather than hide each of the onscreen elements one by one, you can quickly show and hide all the onscreen elements with one keystroke.
To quickly hide and show all the onscreen elements:
Press the Tab key on the keyboard. This hides all the onscreen elements. Press the Tab key again to show all the elements.
You can also show or hide the elements of the application itself. For instance, you can hide the application menu, the document window, scroll bars, and background elements. This lets you present your work with no distractions around it.
To change the display of the application elements:
In the Tools panel, click the View icon for Standard Screen mode 7. This shrinks the size of the document window and restores the display of all the application elements 8.
7 The three View icons in the Tools panel (from left to right): Standard Screen mode, Full Screen with Menus mode, Full Screen mode.
8 The three screen displays controlled by the View icons.
In the Tools panel, click the View icon for Full Screen with Menus mode 7. This maximizes the size of the document window, and applies a gray area around the image 8.
Click the View icon for Full Screen mode 7. This displays the image on a black background with no application elements visible 8.
You can also move through all the modes by tapping the letter "f" on the keyboard.