Property Inspector
The Property Inspector (Window > Properties) is the most versatile of the Fireworks onscreen panels. The Property Inspector displays different information depending on which items or tools are displayed 9. (This type of display is called context-sensitive because it changes depending on the context in which it is used.)
9 The display of the Property Inspector changes depending on the objects or
tools selected. From top to bottom: rectangle selected, Brush tool selected, and
the Document artwork with no object selected.
To see the context-sensitive displays:
Use the selection tools to select an object or multiple objects. The Property Inspector shows the context-sensitive attributes for those objects.
With no object selected, choose one of the tools in the Tools panel. The Property Inspector displays the settings for that tool.
With no object selected, choose the Hand tool, the Zoom tool, or one of the selection tools. The Property Inspector displays the attributes for the document.
Property Inspector Display
I strongly recommend that you keep the Options control on the Property Inspector set to display the full-size panel (see the opposite page).
The half-size option cuts off some important features in the program. For instance, unless you are in the full-size panel, you would never know you could apply textures to objects or change the roundness of a rectangle.
All the screen shots in this book show the Property Inspector in the full-size option although some have been cropped horizontally.
The Property Inspector has two display options 10. Full-size option shows the complete
10 Click the Options control in the Property Inspector to switch between the
full-size option (top) and the half-size option (bottom).
panel. Half-size shows only the top of the panel.
To change the size of the Property Inspector:
Click the Options control triangle on the Property Inspector. When the triangle points up, it displays the full-size panel. When the triangle points down, it displays the top half of the panel.
Windows users can also dock the Property Inspector to the bottom of the window.
To dock the Property Inspector (Win):
Double-click the contoller bar on the left side of the Property Inspector 11. This docks the Property Inspector to the bottom of the window.
11 Double-click the Property Inspector controller bar to dock the Property Inspector.
To undock the Property Inspector (Win):
Double-click the gripper dots in the title bar of the Property Inspector 12.
12 Double-click the gripper dots in the Property Inspector title bar to undock it.
If you dock the Property Inspector, you can easily collapse and expand the panel.
To control the docked Property Inspector (Win):