The Other Panels
In addition to the Property Inspector and Tools panel, Fireworks contains 16 other panels that control various aspects of the program.
The Layers Panel
The Layers panel allows you to control the front-to-back order in which objects appear onscreen 21. (For more information on the Layers panel, see Chapter 6, "Working with Objects.")
21 The Layers panel displays the stacking order of the objects in the file.
The Frames Panel
The Frames panel controls the elements used for creating rollovers and animations 22. (For more information on the Frames panel, see Chapter 16, "Animations.")
21 The Frames panel controls animations and buttons.
The Color Mixer Panel
The Color Mixer allows you to define colors according to five different modes: RGB, Hexadecimal, HSB, CMY, or Grayscale 23. (For more information on the color modes, see Chapter 3, "Colors.")
23 The Mixer panel lets you mix colors for fills and strokes.
The Swatches Panel
The Swatches panel lets you work with preset palettes of color or store your own sets of colors 24. (For more information on the color modes, see Chapter 3, "Colors.")
24 The Swatches panel contains color palettes and lets you store your own colors.
The Info Panel
The Info panel provides feedback as to the color and position of selected objects 25. (For more information on using the Info panel, see Chapter 6, "Working with Objects.")
25 The Info panel contains the coordinates, size, and color information about objects.
The URL Panel
The URL panel allows you to add URL links to areas on the page 26. (For more information on adding links to areas of your Web graphics, see Chapter 17, "Hotspots and Links" and Chapter 18, "Slices.")
26 The URL panel contains a record of all URL addresses used for links, buttons, etc.
The Behaviors Panel
The Behaviors panel allows you to assign JavaScript actions to slices and image maps 27. (For more information on working with Behaviors, see Chapter 19, "Buttons and Behaviors.")
27 The Behaviors panel lets you control JavaScript events.
The Find and Replace Panel
The Find and Replace panel allows you to make changes to text and vector objects elements within a specific document or throughout many different Fireworks documents 28. (For more information on working with the Find and Replace panel, see Chapter 13, "Automation Features.")
28 The Find and Replace panel lets you perform global searches.
The Styles Panel
The Styles panel allows you to save the settings for an object's appearance and then apply them quickly to other objects 29. (For more information on working with styles, see Chapter 13, "Automation Features.")
29 The Styles panel lets you store and apply graphic effects to objects and text.
The Project Panel (Mac) or Project Log Panel (Win)
The Project panel or Project Log panel helps you keep track of the various files you are working with. You can then use the Project panel or Project Log panel to perform various actions on those files 30. For example, you can apply find and replace commands to all the files in the Project list. (For more information on working with the Project panel or Project Log panel, see Chapter 13, "Automation Features.")
30 The Project panel (Mac) or Project Log panel (Win) keeps a list of all documents you have worked on.
For convenience, I will refer to this panel as the Project Log panel for the rest of the book. This is not to slight Macintosh users in any way, just a convenience.
The Optimize Panel
The Optimize panel allows you to control the colors and settings for exporting images 31. (For more information on working with the Optimize panel, see Chapter 15, "Optimizing.")
31 back as scripts in other documents that allow The Optimize panel lets you set how graphics will be converted.
The History Panel
The History panel records the series of actions and commands you perform within Fireworks 32. You can then play those actions back as scripts in other documents that allow you to automate your work. (For more information on working with the History panel, see Chapter 13, "Automation Features.")
32 The History panel keeps a record of the actions and commands performed.
The Library Panel
The Library panel stores the items that you define as graphic, button, and animation symbols, so that you can easily reuse and update them throughout a single document or across many documents 33. You can drag items from the Library panel onto your pages. (For more information on working with the Library panel, see Chapter 16, "Animations.")
33 The Library panel holds graphic symbols, buttons, and animations.