About Microsoft Word and Web Pages
Word can automatically create Web pages from existing documents, often whether you want it to or not. Its commands are particularly confusing to Web page designers who create their own markup codewhich is probably you if you're reading this book.
Word's "Save as Web Page" command (available both from the File menu (Figure 2.10) and as a format in the Save dialog box) means "convert the present document into HTML, adding markup where there is formatting, and saving as text-only with the .htm extension". There are two problems with this command. First, it converts any markup that you've entered manually into plain text, using special symbols. Second, Microsoft adds an incredible amount of proprietary code. If you're writing your own markup with this book, you don't want to use this option.
2.10 Don't use Word's Save as Web Page option. It's for
converting regular Word documents into Web pages and will mess up hand-coded
Instead, choose File > Save As (Figure 2.11), choose Text Only from the Save as type box, and then change the default .txt extension to .htm or .html (Figure 2.12).
2.11 Instead, choose Save As and then choose the proper type and extension
as shown in Figure 2.12.
2.12 In the Save As dialog box, first choose Text Only in the Save as type
box. Then add the .htm or .html extension. (If you do it in the reverse order,
the Text Only option will change your extension back to .txt.)
Text Only saves files with the ANSI encoding. If you'd prefer some other encoding (perhaps a more standard or a non-Western European encoding), Word 2000 offers Encoded Text in the Save as type box. Once you click Save, you'll have to confirm that you really want to save as Encoded Text and will be able to choose the desired Encoding. For more details, consult Saving Your Page with the Proper Encoding on page 336.
These instructions cover Word 2000 for Windows. Other versions may have slightly different wording or dialog boxes.