- Basic Selections 101 with Lab
- Introducing the Marquee Tools
- Rounding Up the Lasso Tools
- Getting the Best Selections (in the Least Amount of Time)
- Let's Lasso Somebody
- Saving and Loading Selections
- Magic Wand Tool Magic
- The Layer Mask
- Replacing an Overcast Sky
- Making a Quick Panorama Using Selections
- Summary
If you take away only one lesson from this chapter, I hope it's an understanding of how important selections are to working magic with your images. Photoshop isn't a mind reader; if you want to separate an object from a background, you have to select the object. Likewise, if you want to apply a filter to only a small section of an image, you must select the small section of the image to let Photoshop know what you want to change.
The second important concept I hope you grasped is the way you can combine all forms of selection tools to make a single selection. You are not limited to one tool for each job. Continue to think in terms of the best toolor combination of toolsto make the job at hand as easy as possible. And don't forget to use Boolean functions when applicable (such as the Add to selection or Subtract from selection modes). The fact that Photoshop offers such a large variety of ways to create a selection makes it an extremely flexible and powerful program in which to work.