Creating shapes
Animate includes several drawing tools, which work in different drawing modes. Many of your creations will begin with simple shapes such as rectangles and ovals, so it’s important that you’re comfortable drawing them, modifying their appearance, and applying fills and strokes.
You’ll begin by drawing the face of the octopus.
Using the Oval tool
The eyes of the octopus are essentially a series of ovals overlapping one another. To make the eyes look angry, there is a diagonal line that cuts the largest oval at a slant. You’ll start by drawing the ovals. It’s useful to break down complicated objects into their component parts to make it easier to draw them.
Rename Layer_1 octopus.
In the Tools panel, select the Oval tool, which is hidden under the Rectangle tool. Hold down the Rectangle tool to access the Oval tool underneath. Make sure the Object Drawing button at the bottom of the Tools panel or in the Properties panel is not selected.
Choose a stroke color and a fill color from the bottom of the Tools panel or from the Properties panel. Enter #CCCCCC (light gray) for the fill and #000000 (black) for the stroke.
On the Stage, draw an oval that is a little taller than it is wide.
Select the Selection tool.
Drag the Selection tool around the entire oval to select its stroke and its fill. When a shape is selected, Animate displays it with white dots. You can also double-click a shape, and Animate will select both the stroke and fill of the shape.
In the Properties panel, in the Position And Size section, enter 40 for the Width and 55 for the Height. Press Return (macOS) or Enter (Windows) to apply the values.
Adding the inside of the eye
Now you’ll create the inside of the eye and the white highlight.
In the Tools panel, select the Oval tool.
Choose a stroke color and a fill color from the bottom of the Tools panel. Enter #000000 (black) for the fill and #000000 (black) for the stroke.
Draw a smaller black oval inside the larger oval on the Stage.
Enter #FFFFFF (white) as the fill for your Oval tool.
Draw a third oval at the top of your black oval, which will be the highlight.