5. Audio Books
Audible.com is a revolutionary way to listen to audio books. At this site, you download audio books (which, until now, were available only on tape or CD) to your PC, your PDA, or your MP3 player (or onto your PC and then burn the file to CD so that you can then play it in your CD player).
Before you start to use Audible.com, check that your PDA is compatible with Audible softwaresee http://www.audible.com/devices (if you do not have a PDA, sign up at http://www.audible.com for one year to get $100 off the purchase price of a PDA). If your device is compatible, you can set up Audible to work with your PDA.
Simply join Audible and download the Audible Manager software for your PDA onto your PC (it replicates automatically onto your PDA when you next sync up).
Then download the Audio books you buy to your PDA instead ofor in addition toyour PC. (Don't forget that you also have the option to download to a CD or to an MP3 player.)