Some Google in Your Apps: An Introduction to the Google Web API Using .NET and Java
- Some Google in Your Apps
- Getting Started
- A .NET Google Fight
- Viewing Cached Pages in Java
- Displaying a Cached Page
- Just That Easy
Some Google in Your Apps
Launched in the late 1990s at the absolute peak of the dotcom era, Google quickly went on to make an amazing name for itself, becoming one of the most recognized brands in the world. But you already knew that. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if a Google search brought you here in the first place.
Let's talk about a different way to use Google: the Google Web API, which gives developers the ability to open a pipe between their apps and Google's amazingly comprehensive index of the web. Although the API doesn't give you access to everything that Google offers via a browser (no Froogle, no Maps, no Groups, etc.), and although (like most things Google) this API is still in beta and isn't exactly suited for commercial applications, the features of the Google API give you the power to write some cool and maybe even useful apps.