- Histograms make muddy pictures history
- Fixing color casts
- Banish Red-eye
- The magic of cropping
- Straightening perspective fixes
- Fixing Blemishes
- Bringing out detail in shadows and highlights
- Quick and soft selections
- Reuse a selection
- Whiter teeth
- Smoother skin
- Facelifts without surgery
- Quick Layer fixes
- Non-permanent fixes
- Depth of field effect
- More interesting skies
The magic of cropping
Perhaps the best possible fix for most images is the Crop tool. There aren't many photos that come out of your camera perfectly framed and cropping can give you instant focus on what's important in the shot. The Photoshop Crop tool has its own position on the toolbar .Click on it then drag a rectangle shape over the photo so that you preview the crop before you perform it (shown in Figure 3). When you use the tool, a shield overlays the area of the image that will be cropped, in order to partially hide it.
Figure 3 Perhaps the simplest and most powerful way to turn a casual snapshot into something that looks much more professional is to crop it.
Using the tool options on the toolbar you can crop your photo to a preset size, such as 4 x 6, 5 x 7, 8 x 10, and so on. To use this feature, click the Crop tool and, before you make a selection on the image, choose the size you'd like to crop to. Drag the crop marquee over the image and it will maintain a shape in the proportions that you previously selected(5x7, for example). Drag the shape into position, resize it if required, and then, when you're satisfied, press the Enter key or click the Commit current crop operation button on the toolbar to complete the crop.