iTunes in your life
iTunes, tied in with Apple's iPod, is the tool that gives your life a soundtrack. Whether you like jamming to Lou Reed or Britney Spears, you can organize and find the music on iTunes.
iTunes is a tool designed with one purpose: to organize music on your hard drive. It is easy to import music into iTunes. You can do it through importing, or stripping, a CD when you play it. (I have copied over all my old CDs.) Albums of music also can be purchased through Apple's online music store built into iTunes. After the music is on your computer, you can search and organize for music. You can create a playlist manually or use smart playlists that constantly watch for music of a specific genre or artist and dynamically update your playlist for you.
Playlists can be easily burned to CD. Heck, if you have an iPod, almost an essential part of iTunes, you can take your organized music with you on the go. (I'm listening to Counting Crows on my iPod right now. Yeah, that's right; I'm hip.)
The success of the iPod, however, has forced Apple to do something it doesn't like to do: create Windows software. As Steve Jobs said, "Hell has frozen over."