- review your clips
- rename your clips
- delete unneeded clips
- tell the story
- meet the timeline
- set in/out points
- drag clip to the timeline
- split clips on timeline
- trim on the timeline
- trim between clips
- preview your movie
- save your project
- add clips between clips
- arrange clips
- ripple delete
- insert music files
- add a picture
- create a slideshow
- preview the slideshow
- edit your images
- extra bits
This chapter is from the book
set in/out points
Suppose one of your captured clips is thirty seconds long, but you only want to include five seconds from the clip in the movie. Using the Set In Point/Set Out Point controls, you essentially tell Premiere Elements to start here (Set In Point) and stop there (Set Out Point).
Then you can drag only the video between those two points into the project. Here's how.