Developing Templates
The key to making content contributors effective is through Dreamweaver's templates, which allow Web editors to define specifically which regions in a page a user can edit. For instance, when you use a Dreamweaver template in Studio 8, you can lay out the screen however you like, with as many graphics as you want, and restrict the content area(s). For example, you may want just one main content area, which you set up as an editable region. The template page can be opened and saved as a standard Web page. You can create an unlimited number of pages based on the template; if you modify the template, all Web pages created with that template will be updated to include the modifications.
You may think that the experience is different for a Contribute content provider versus a Dreamweaver user. It isn't. Arriving at a Web page that has been developed with a Dreamweaver template, even the Dreamweaver user will be restricted to editing the editable regions. If the template is updated in Dreamweaver, the Contribute page will also be updated. A new page created in Contribute can use the Dreamweaver templates. The whole cycle is designed to give Contribute content authors access to the layout and presentation templates without having to re-create a Web page.