- Automatic Smart Objects
- Placing Vector Artwork
- Collages with Smart Objects
Collages with Smart Objects
If you're not sold on the benefits of using Smart Objects, check this out. Here I created a collage that uses eight copies of the same Smart Object (each time you duplicate the Smart Object, it still "remembers" the original).
Some of the Smart Objects have adjustment layers that affect them, others have been scaled, and one has a layer mask applied to it. After all this, if I decide that I want to use another photo of the car instead, I simply Control-click (PC: right-click) on one of the Smart Objects and choose Replace Contents. I pick another car photo, and in seconds the collage updates, preserving all the positioning, adjustment layers, and so on.
Oh and by the way, just because I created the collage with a car in mind, I can easily use this same layout for any photo. Here I used Replace Contents and chose a wedding photo.
All I had to do then was change the text and slightly reposition the masked layer. How cool is that?
Imagine the possibilities of Smart Objects: creating templates, incorporating complex vector artwork, and more. And we haven't even touched on the ability to create Smart Objects from Camera Raw files or making a multilayered Photoshop document into a Smart Object. The sky really is the limit.