- Putting Workflows to Work
- Tips for Making this Feature Really Useful
- Taking the Next Step
- End Note
Taking the Next Step
Now that you’ve got a workflow in your hands, you might want to do some tinkering to create similar applications. One great way to tinker is to pay close attention to how the actions in the provided workflows are put together. When you open a workflow in Automator, it finds its way into the My Workflows folder located in the source pane on the left side of the Automator window. When you click the appropriate workflow in the Library pane, a list of actions will appear in the Actions pane. These are all the actions that the given workflow uses. The icon for each action tells you what application it is associated with and therefore how to find it in the Source pane. The window looks like the following figure.
That list of actions in the Actions pane is useful because it tells you how to find the actions at work in the workflow. Armed with that information, you can click the appropriate application’s icon in the Library pane to find the entire list of actions available for that application. This is a very good way to find actions similar to the one used in the workflow. As always, try experimenting with lots of different actions to make an application that’s the most useful for you.