Setting Up the Controller
Indigo is a slick bit of software that comes with a sample home. That’s all well and good, but unless there is an eerie bit of synchronicity going on, your setup probably won’t match that sample home. Go ahead and close that window, and select New Database from the File menu. In the Create New Database window that appears, give your new home a name, and click Create (see Figure 4). You now have a home with no devices in it.
Figure 4 When you first open Indigo, you should create your own empty database. The sample one provided is interesting to look at, but probably not useful.
To add your lamp controller, click the Devices button in the left column (provided it isn’t already selected) and then click the New button in the top of the window. The Create New Device window appears.
Give the new device a name (such as Living Room lamp controller) and add a brief description. Select the type of device from the Type pop-up menu (it’s quite a list) and enter the controller’s address using the Address pop-up menus below. You can click the Options button to set some of the device’s options, but if you’ve already chosen the device’s type, you shouldn’t need to adjust these. Finally, if you use the Ovolab Phlink phone interface or the Bluetooth Sailing Clicker, you can choose whether these devices appear in these interfaces. When done, click OK (see Figure 5).
Figure 5 When setting up a device controller, you’re given a palette of options to manipulate. The most important thing is to set the device’s address properly.
The device now appears in your home’s device window, and you can control it right from this window. You know you want to—go ahead. Select the device, and click the Turn On button. It should come right on.