- Dragging from the Dock, Not to It
- The One-Click Trick to Moving the Dock
- Freaky Movie Dock Trick
- Access System Preferences Directly from the Dock
- Keep an Eye on Things, Live from the Dock
- The Giant App Switcher Does More Than Just Switch
- Instant Dock Resize
- For Those Who Don't Want to Hide
- Yellow Minimize Button Too Small? Try This!
- Automatically Hiding the Dock
- Accidentally Launched a Program? Un-Launch It
- Keeping a Running App in the Dock After You Quit
- Unloading the Dock
- Get Right to the File You Want
- Folders to Add to Your Dock
- Force Quitting from the Dock
- Shortcut to Your Applications
- Getting Rid of Extra Windows While You Work
- How to Close a Finder Window in the Dock
- Bringing Home Lost Sheep: Finding Docked Originals
- Stop the Bouncing. I Beg You!
- Make One Active, and Hide the Rest
- Freaky Genie Effect
- Snapping Dock Sizes
- Minimizing Multiple Windows at Once
- Open Documents By Dragging Them to the Dock
- Stop the Icons from Moving
- Full-Speed Docking By Losing the Genie!
- Forcing a Document on an App
If you're running an application in Mac OS X and for some reason it locks up or crashes (hey, it happens—remember, Apple didn't say applications wouldn't crash in Mac OS X; it said if they did, it wouldn't bring down your whole system), you can easily Force Quit the application by Control-clicking (or clicking-and-holding) on its icon in the Dock, and a popup menu will appear. Press the Option key, and you'll see the menu item called Quit change to Force Quit. Click that, and it will force quit the application. Also, if you're a longtime Mac user, you might be afraid to force quit an application, because back in Mac OS 9 (and prior to that), force quitting was an absolute last resort in hopes of saving an open document. If you were lucky enough to get Force Quit to work without locking up the machine (believe me—it was luck—force quitting in Mac OS 9 and earlier usually brought the whole machine down), then all you could really do was restart anyway, but at least you got to save your document. Mac OS X is designed to let you use Force Quit then continue to work, so don't be hesitant to try this feature.
You probably can't put every application you'll ever use in your Dock, or you'll have one incredibly long microscopic Dock. A popular way around this is to drag your Applications folder to the right of the gray divider bar in the Dock (the left side is for apps only, not folders full of apps). Once your Applications folder is in the Dock, if you click-and-hold (or Control-click) on the folder's icon, a list of the apps inside pops up—then just press the first letter (or first few letters) of the application you want to launch, and once it's highlighted, all you have to do is press Return (or click on it).