Steps Involved in This Project
Susan can work entirely from within Acrobat's Picture Tasks plug-in to create the presentation as well as different print versions of her images. She can also e-mail the presentation right from Acrobat.
First, she plans to import the images into Acrobat in a binder, or combined PDF document. After using the Picture Tasks' features, she'll have a slideshow complete with a title, slide transitions, and music.
To create her slideshow, Susan needs to
- Import the group of images into Acrobat, where they are converted to PDF
- Open the Picture Tasks' Export to Slideshow dialog and configure the slide-show's contents, adding a title, transitions, and music
- E-mail the slideshow PDF to her client
You can work with a range of image formats in Acrobat. Susan is working with JPEG images, so we'll focus our discussion on that format.