#27 Creating Art Brushes
Art brushes stretch to the length of any path to which they are applied. Normally you create your own art brush, and then bend it, stretch it, or squeeze it onto any path. The same art brush can be applied to a long or short stroke ( Figure 27a ).

Figure 27a A flower art brush, applied to several strokes of different lengths.
To create a new art brush, follow these steps:
- Create some artwork.
- Drag the artwork onto the Brushes palette. The New Brush dialog appears. Select the New Art Brush options button and click OK (
Figure 27b
Figure 27b Creating a new art brush from an arrow.
- The Art Brush Options dialog opens, with the brush design selected in the preview window of the dialog box. Enter a name in the Name area of the dialog.
- In the Direction area, select the arrow that starts from the bottom and points to the top. This will make the pattern appear in an intuitive, right-side-up manner as you draw a path up with a drawing tool.
- Enter a Width value in the Size area to define how large the symbol will display relative to the stroke path. Normally, you'll want to select the Proportional checkbox to keep the height-to-width ratio unchanged as you rescale the object to which the art brush is applied.
- After you define the art brush options, click OK (
Figure 27c
Figure 27c Defining an art brush for an arrow that will point upward as you draw a line upward.
After you define an art brush, select any path, and click on the brush in the Brushes palette to apply it to the selected path ( Figure 27d ).

Figure 27d Applying an art brush.