Managing Computer Lists
Computer lists enable you to reorganize computers managed in a Remote Desktop configuration. You can create as many computer lists as you like by using the New List command from the File menu. Computers can be members of multiple lists, which give extreme flexibility in organizing computers. You can create lists based on classroom or office location, by types of users (teachers versus students, for example), by type (portable versus desktop or by model), or through any other method that you can think of. All computers added to a Remote Desktop configuration, however, are added to the All Computers list. You can also create computer lists on the fly by selecting computers (either in an existing computer list, including the All Computers list, or a scanner) and selecting New List from Selection from the File Menu.
Smart Computer Lists
Smart computer lists are lists that include any computers added to a Remote Desktop configuration (in the All Computers list) that match criteria you specify. You create a smart computer list by selecting New Smart List from the File menu. The dialog box for a smart list is very similar to that of a smart playlist in iTunes or a smart folder in the Finder. You can specify a name for the list and any number of criteria that must match for a computer to be included in the list. The criteria that you can use in creating a smart list include name, IP Address, DNS name, Label, ARD version, Boot Volume, Installed RAM, CPU information, Mac model name, Mac OS version, and whether or not the computer is a member of other computer lists. As you can guess, this gives you an excellent tool for locating computers that might need to have settings changed, software updates applied, are currently connected to specific portions of your network, as well as for many other functions.