Sending Messages
Although text chats are great for one-on-one user interaction, they don’t give you the option of addressing users of multiple computers. They are also interactive, which is helpful in many situations, but at times where you simply want to send a message without discussion. For those situations, Remote Desktop offers the Send Message command. This command enables you to send a message to any number of computers simultaneously. It can be used for general alerts to inform users about actions that you will be taking that might affect them—or even for reprimands.
To send a message, select the appropriate computers (or messages from users) and choose Send Message from the Interact menu. You will see a task dialog box that allows you to enter your message (and to which you can specify additional computers). You can then click Send to send the message or you can choose to use the task dialog’s Save and Schedule buttons to save the message (and related computers) for later use. You might choose to use this approach to save or schedule daily shut-down messages, for example (we’ll talk more about saving and scheduling tasks in the final part of this series).
When you send the message, it will appear in an alert-style dialog box on every computer to which you send it. The dialog box will allow users to copy the text of the message to the clipboard and to click OK to dismiss the message. The dialog box will also include the date and time of the message, your username, and the name of the computer from which the message was sent.