- What's New in Organize Mode
- Organize Tools Overview
- Changing the Display Pane's Layout
- Other Display Preferences
- Contextual Menu Shortcuts
- Moving Around in iPhoto
- Editing Film Rolls
- Creating and Modifying New Film Rolls
- Creating and Working with Folders
- Creating Albums
- Creating and Editing Smart Albums
- Smart Album Ideas
- Duplicating Sources
- Renaming and Rearranging Sources
- Deleting Sources
- Selecting Photos
- Adding Photos to Sources
- Removing Photos from Sources
- Sorting Photos
- Assigning Titles to Photos
- Assigning Comments to Photos
- Editing Photo Dates
- Assigning Ratings
- Managing Keywords
- Assigning and Removing Keywords
- Searching with the Keyword Pane
- Searching with the Search Field
- Searching with the Calendar Pane
- Viewing Photo Information
Assigning and Removing Keywords
Once you've customized your list of keywords, you can assign keywords to individual images. For this task, click the Key button under the Source pane to make sure the Keywords pane is showing.
To assign keywords to photos:
- Drag one or more photos to a keyword in the Keywords pane (Figure 3.45).
Figure 3.45 You can assign a keyword by dragging photos to a keyword in the Keywords pane.
- Select one or more photos, choose Get Info (
) from the Photos menu, and in the Keywords tab, select the checkbox(es) next to the desired keyword(s) (Figure 3.46).
Figure 3.46 You can also add and remove keywords from selected photos in the Keywords pane of the Photo Info window.
To remove keywords from photos:
- Holding down
, drag one or more photos to a keyword in the Keywords pane.
- Select one or more photos, choose Get Info (
) from the Photos menu, and in the Keywords tab, deselect the checkbox(es) next to the desired keyword(s) (Figure 3.46).