- What's New in Organize Mode
- Organize Tools Overview
- Changing the Display Pane's Layout
- Other Display Preferences
- Contextual Menu Shortcuts
- Moving Around in iPhoto
- Editing Film Rolls
- Creating and Modifying New Film Rolls
- Creating and Working with Folders
- Creating Albums
- Creating and Editing Smart Albums
- Smart Album Ideas
- Duplicating Sources
- Renaming and Rearranging Sources
- Deleting Sources
- Selecting Photos
- Adding Photos to Sources
- Removing Photos from Sources
- Sorting Photos
- Assigning Titles to Photos
- Assigning Comments to Photos
- Editing Photo Dates
- Assigning Ratings
- Managing Keywords
- Assigning and Removing Keywords
- Searching with the Keyword Pane
- Searching with the Search Field
- Searching with the Calendar Pane
- Viewing Photo Information
Searching with the Keyword Pane
Keywords make it easy to find just those photos associated with certain keywords. When you search for photos, iPhoto doesn't merely select matching photos—it displays only those you want to see. These tasks take place in the Keywords pane; open it by clicking the key button under the Source pane.
To search for photos via keyword:
Click one or more keywords.
iPhoto displays all those photos that have all the selected keywords (Figure 3.47).
Figure 3.47 Here I've searched for all the photos in my Library that have both the "Tristan" keyword and the "Vacation" keyword. Note that there are 45 photos showing.
To narrow a search:
-click one or more keywords.
iPhoto removes from the display pane those photos with the
-clicked keyword (Figure 3.48).
Figure 3.48 Now I've narrowed the search by Option-clicking the "iPhoto Talk" keyword, which removes photos from the display pane that have the "iPhoto Talk" keyword. Note that there are now only 30 photos showing (most of which are in the closed film roll).
Ways to show all photos:
- Click the Reset button in the Keywords pane.
- Switch to the Calendar pane.
- Switch to any other album.