- What's New in Organize Mode
- Organize Tools Overview
- Changing the Display Pane's Layout
- Other Display Preferences
- Contextual Menu Shortcuts
- Moving Around in iPhoto
- Editing Film Rolls
- Creating and Modifying New Film Rolls
- Creating and Working with Folders
- Creating Albums
- Creating and Editing Smart Albums
- Smart Album Ideas
- Duplicating Sources
- Renaming and Rearranging Sources
- Deleting Sources
- Selecting Photos
- Adding Photos to Sources
- Removing Photos from Sources
- Sorting Photos
- Assigning Titles to Photos
- Assigning Comments to Photos
- Editing Photo Dates
- Assigning Ratings
- Managing Keywords
- Assigning and Removing Keywords
- Searching with the Keyword Pane
- Searching with the Search Field
- Searching with the Calendar Pane
- Viewing Photo Information
This chapter is from the book
Moving Around in iPhoto
Obviously, you can move around in iPhoto using the scroll bars, but knowing a few tricks and techniques can make navigating through your photos easier.
Ways to move around:
- Click or drag in the scroll bar, just as you would in any other Mac application.
-click the scroll bar to jump to the particular spot you clicked.
- Click a photo to make sure the display pane is active; then use the arrow keys to move around.
- With the display pane active, use
to scroll through your photos one screen at a time.
- With the display pane active, use
to move to the top and bottom of the current album.