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Web Design & Development

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Building a Slideshow Presentation with Picture Tasks
Jul 14, 2006
Suppose you need to present a series of photographs to a committee that will decide which one belongs in a company brochure. Or imagine that you are preparing a collection of shots, one of which will appear in a newspaper ad. How can you present the selection of possibilities to a client in a way that is both professional and interesting? Acrobat 7 includes a plug-in called Picture Tasks that allows you to easily manage a group of images and prepare different types of output, including a slideshow and various print options. In this chapter's project, you'll learn how to use the plug-in to create a slideshow and customize it, as well as to send the final product automatically by e-mail from within Acrobat.
Building a Sound Mixer in Flash
Jan 1, 2002
by Allan Kennedy, co-author of Macromedia Flash: Super Samurai
Building A Tabbed Interface
Sep 2, 2001
Build your own tabbed interface in Flash. David Emberton shows you how in a few easy steps.
Building a Table Class in ActionScript 2.0
Mar 16, 2007
Bront Davis says that it's not as complicated as you may think to display tabular HTML data in a Flash application. Working with ActionScript and XPath, this article examines a custom class for presenting HTML-based table data in Flash.
Building a Virtual City Tour with Shockwave 3D
May 17, 2002
Shockwave pioneer Jason Wolf walks you through the process of creating a photo-realistic virtual city tour.
Building Adobe WorkflowLab, Part 5: Designing WorkflowLab
Dec 1, 2010
Continuing their series on the design and creation of WorkflowLab, Aaron Pedersen, James Polanco, and Doug Winnie, the authors of Adobe Flash Platform from Start to Finish: Working Collaboratively Using Adobe Creative Suite 5, discuss the final UI design process used to create the design comps and assets required to complete the project.
Building An Access Database in Dreamweaver MX 2004
Nov 13, 2003
Sean Nicholson shares some intricacies in working with databases and Dreamweaver MX 2004 to create a human resources management system.
Building an E-Commerce Site with PHP: Making Product Recommendations
Feb 14, 2011
Just as you’re more likely to watch a movie that comes recommended, recommending products to customers is a great way to increase an e-commerce site’s sales. In this article, Larry Ullman walks you through the logic required, and the decisions that need to be made, to implement such a system.
Building Basic Web Pages in Dreamweaver MX
Jan 31, 2003
This sample chapter describes how to use the Dreamweaver MX Document window to create and save Web pages.
Building Better Websites with Dreamweaver Site Definitions
Aug 9, 2012
To set up a new website with Dreamweaver, you have to begin by creating a site definition. Though Dreamweaver makes setup easy, it has some pitfalls that can trip up the unwary. Tom Negrino, coauthor of Dreamweaver CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide, guides us step by step through the process of site definition.
Building Complexity in Flash MX
Jun 7, 2002
This sample chapter describes approaches to building complex animations through layering, combining, and extending basic Flash capabilities.
Building Dreamweaver MX 2004 Tables
Dec 31, 2003
Laura Gutman goes over some table basics, looks at how Dreamweaver MX 2004 works with tables, and then covers different ways to maximize table-making power in the Dreamweaver environment.
Building Mobile Pages with Dreamweaver CS5.5
Aug 3, 2011
Build mobile-friendly web pages based on jQuery JavaScript objects quickly and easily with Dreamweaver CS5.5. And do it without coding! David Karlins, author of Adobe Creative Suite 5 Web Premium How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques, takes you through the Dreamweaver techniques that make this eminently possible.
Building the Buzz
Sep 2, 2001
So you’ve created a Web site that is the coolest thing since Wayne Newton and crayons, and now you need to get the world to listen. Well, Chaz Rough has the answers.
Building Touch Interfaces with HTML5: Speeding Up the Next Visit with Browser Cache, LocalStorage, and the Application Cache
Mar 18, 2013
On mobile, you want to make the best possible use of caching. Stephen Woods looks at normal browser cache, which isn’t as good as it should be; LocalStorage, a newish API for persistent storage that’s an incredibly powerful tool for manual caching; and the application cache.
Building Your First Page in Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
Mar 24, 2006
After you've set up your local site, you can begin filling the site with pages. To do that, you'll need to create a page, give it a title, add some content to the page, and save it. To check your work, you should view the page in one or more Web browsers before you upload it to your Web server. Luckily, Dreamweaver makes it easy to view your work in different browsers. This chapter will help you get started building your website in Dreamweaver.
Bulletproof Web Design: Creative Floating
Jan 31, 2012
The creative use of the float property can give grid-like results, with a fraction of the code we’d need with the nested-tables approach. By paring down the markup to its barest essentials, you make it easier for browsers, software, and all devices to read your content, at the same time making it easier for other designers and developers to modify and edit these components.
Bulletproof Web Design: Expandable Rows
Jun 23, 2006
This chapter takes a look at a common approach to designing a login/promotional area that occupies the top portion of a typical Web page. We deconstruct the design and then rebuild it to accommodate any text size or amount of content.
C++ Command Pattern for Network Operations
Mar 17, 2006
It's all too easy to place operations code inside class definitions (that is, code that does create/delete/modify). In many cases, such an approach is not necessarily a reflection of real world objects. But there are other reasons for abstracting operation code: simplifying objects and better maintainability. Stephen Morris spells out these and other advantages of using the command pattern; including changing the operations code and providing do-undo facilities with a very modest design/coding investment.
C++ Mediator Pattern for Object Interaction
May 19, 2006
Monolithic software products (those with a multitude of highly coupled components) are often blamed on the use of procedural languages, but it's just as easy to produce overly interdependent classes in object-oriented languages. Stephen B. Morris shows how using the mediator design pattern can help reduce class interdependencies, aid componentization, and ultimately help make classes service-oriented.

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