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Web Design & Development

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Flexible Web Design: Types of Web-page Layouts
Feb 17, 2009
Web-page layouts can be grouped into three categories based on how their width is set: fixed-width, liquid (or fluid), and elastic. Zoe Mickley Gillenwater discusses the characteristics of each type of layout.
Flexible Web Design: Dynamically Changing Images’ Screen Area
Feb 16, 2009
There are lots of ways you can dynamically change the screen area that an image takes up. Zoe Mickley Gillenwater explains how.
Work with Imported Objects in Adobe Flash CS4
Feb 16, 2009
David Morris shows you how to incorporate layout elements created in other graphics applications.
Using the Liquid CSS Layouts in Dreamweaver CS4
Feb 5, 2009
Liquid layouts, based on a percentage of the size of the browser's window (or viewport), are one way to create flexible sites that work for a variety of users. In this chapter, learn the pros and cons of creating a liquid layout.
Finding Scriptable Objects with AppleScript
Jan 28, 2009
Finding scriptable objects is a common task and something that AppleScript and scriptable applications do exceptionally well. In this chapter, the authors cover the techniques used to locate specific scriptable objects.
Fresher Styles for Web Designers: Psychedelic Minimalist Style
Jan 21, 2009
Curt Cloninger discusses the Psychedelic Minimalist style, a style that intentionally straddles the fence between minimalism and psychedelia, achieving surprisingly fresh, purposefully paradoxical results.
Neuro Web Design: Invoking Scarcity--If Something Seems Unavailable, We Seem to Want It Even More
Jan 16, 2009
Susan Weinschenk explains why invoking scarcity can be an excellent marketing tool.
Making PDF Files in Adobe Acrobat 9
Jan 12, 2009
Learn how to create PDF files in Adobe Acrobat 9, including how to convert many common file types to PDF, scan paper documents directly into PDF, convert Web pages to PDF files, and combine several PDF files into a single document.
Creative Drawing in Adobe Illustrator CS4
Jan 6, 2009
Mordy Golding discusses the use of color, composition, texture, and feel, including how to use the Live Paint feature in Illustrator CS4.
Editing Paths in Adobe Illustrator CS4
Dec 30, 2008
David Karlins shows you how to use selection and editing techniques in Adobe Illustrator CS4, including selecting paths and path segments, grouping paths, and aligning anchors.
Using Symbols and the Library in Adobe Flash CS4
Dec 29, 2008
Learn the basics of creating, modifying, and organizing symbols.
The Dojo Toolkit: Layout Dijits
Dec 18, 2008
Steve Holzner discusses layout Dijits, including the stack container and accordion container.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 How-Tos: Designing Pages with Absolute Placement Objects
Dec 5, 2008
David Karlins shows you how to work with AP objects in this sample chapter.
Adding Text To Your Pages in Adobe Dreamweaver CS4
Dec 2, 2008
Here are the Dreamweaver basics of getting text onto your page, applying structure using headings and lists, and using basic HTML text styles to change the look of your text.
Add Visual Interest to Your Web Page with JavaScript
Nov 25, 2008
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to make JavaScript do some cool image tricks, including making rollovers, changing images, creating ad banners, building slideshows, and displaying random images on a page.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 How-Tos: Using Framesets
Nov 21, 2008
Learn how to generate and format at frameset and define links between frames.
Adobe Acrobat 9 How-To #10: Using PDFMaker in Microsoft Word
Nov 7, 2008
Acrobat 9 works directly with Microsoft Word to make quick PDFs from Word documents. The default settings in the PDFMaker probably will be fine for many conversions, but you may want to customize some of the settings for your specific word processing needs. Donna L. Baker points out useful options for handling bookmarks, links, and other Word specialties.
Adobe Acrobat 9 How-To #120: Creating a Digital ID Profile in Acrobat 9
Nov 7, 2008
Like many systems for managing documents and processes, Acrobat uses a digital signature to secure content. Donna L. Baker explains how digital signatures work and discusses the features that Acrobat 9 offers for setting up and using digital IDs.
Adding Signatures and Security in Adobe Acrobat 9
Nov 5, 2008
In this step-by-step exercise, the Adobe Creative Team shows how to work with digital signatures, certification, and password protection in Acrobat 9 documents.
Export to Streaming Flash Video in Dreamweaver CS3
Nov 5, 2008
Learn how to use two different sets of encoding profiles to generate two different FLV files.

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