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Web Design & Development

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Flexible Web Design: Types of Web-page Layouts
Feb 17, 2009
Web-page layouts can be grouped into three categories based on how their width is set: fixed-width, liquid (or fluid), and elastic. Zoe Mickley Gillenwater discusses the characteristics of each type of layout.
Flexible Web Layouts with CSS3 Media Queries
Jul 14, 2010
Can your website handle the various screen sizes and other features of modern electronics? Chris Mills, one of the authors of InterACT with Web Standards: A Holistic Approach to Web Design, shows how to use CSS3 media queries to combine multiple CSS formatting options into a single stylesheet, optimizing your site to adapt dynamically to match any device.
Flow of Control in Python
Jul 26, 2013
In this chapter from Python: Visual QuickStart Guide, 3rd Edition, Toby Donaldson shows how to change the order in which statements are executed by using if-statements and loops. Both are essential in almost any nontrivial program.
Flow of Control in Python
Jul 8, 2009
In this chapter, Toby Donaldson looks at how to change the order in which statements are executed by using if-statements and loops. Both are essential in almost any nontrivial program.
Fluid Web Typography: Scale & Rhythm
Dec 23, 2009
Jason Cranford Teague shows how giving careful consideration to the measurements and scale you are designing for is what separates good Web typography from great Web typography.
'Form Follows Function' Revisited
Jun 23, 2009
Curt Cloninger, author of Fresher Styles for Web Designers: More Eye Candy from the Underground, discusses the concept that 'form follows function,' with particular focus on web design.
Fractal Documents Tell Infinite Stories: An Interview with Dan Brown
Nov 17, 2010
Miraz Jordan interviews Dan Brown, author of Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning, 2nd Edition, about how the field of user experience has changed, the three kinds of pressure user experience will face over the next decade, and why designers need to convey their concepts through stories.
Free Audio Tools that Work with Flash
Mar 24, 2006
One of Flash's many strengths is its capability to consistently and reliably play back sound across a wide variety of computer platforms and environments. Flash has a comprehensive set of utilities and tools to work with audio, but there are several free, dedicated audio tools that can do an even better job. James Gonzalez reviews several free audio tools that he has used professionally and with his students to streamline audio work with Flash.
Frequently Asked Questions about GoLive 5
Jun 8, 2001
Shelly Brisbin answers the top five questions about Adobe GoLive 5.
Fresh Styles for Web Designers: Lo-Fi Grunge Style
May 31, 2002
One way to come up with a "fresh" style is to go back in time a few decades, cut what you find, and paste it into the present. Here, Curt Cloninger discusses Lo-Fi Grunge Style of Web Design.
Fresher Styles for Web Designers: Psychedelic Minimalist Style
Jan 21, 2009
Curt Cloninger discusses the Psychedelic Minimalist style, a style that intentionally straddles the fence between minimalism and psychedelia, achieving surprisingly fresh, purposefully paradoxical results.
From Designer’s File to Web Build File: Solving Special Transparency Problems with Essential Layer and Layer Mask Tricks
Jan 18, 2002
Photoshop expert Sean Duggan uses advanced layer-masking techniques to solve a tricky situation involving blend modes, opacity, transparent GIFs, and the case of the vanishing blue tone.
From Flash to Flex: Creating ActionScript Components for Flex
Jul 27, 2007
Kris Hadlock explains how to create an ActionScript component for Flex by using XML as a data source to offer reusability in your Flex applications.
From Flash to Flex: Integrating ActionScript with MXML
Jun 8, 2007
Are you familiar with Flash and interested in making a move to Flex? This article is for you. It will show you the differences between the two applications and how to make a smooth transition. In this first article of a multipart series, "From Flash to Flex," Kris Hadlock shows you how to begin creating your first Flex application by integrating ActionScript with MXML.
From Flash to Flex: Moving to ActionScript 3
Jul 6, 2007
In his second article from the Flash to Flex series, which focuses on helping you migrate your work environment from Flash to Flex by learning the differences between and comparing the two applications, Kris Hadlock shows you all you need to know to get started using ActionScript 3. In this article you’ll learn how to create packages and classes and incorporate them into a Flex project.
From Flash to Flex: Understanding Flex Events
Sep 14, 2007
Kris Hadlock explains Flex events and how to incorporate them into object-oriented code.
From Many File Types, A Polished PDF Portfolio
Mar 28, 2011
Learn how to create a dynamic presentation, called a portfolio, in Acrobat X Pro. Acrobat expert Brian Wood helps you understand how portfolios work, including answering questions like, “What is the difference between combining files and creating a portfolio?” and “Will it work in all versions of Reader?” A Brilliantly Wacky Idea
Sep 2, 2001 - A case study on a brilliantly wacky Web site that has changed the way the world balances its checkbook.
Fundamental Concepts of Content Reuse
Oct 18, 2002
Content reuse is the practice of using existing content components to develop new "documents." Learn the benefits of reuse and how other industries have employed reuse for decades to improve their processes and the quality of their products.
Fundamentals of CSS for Web Designers: Creating Meaning through Syntax
Jul 23, 2009
To describe your Web designs, you need to understand the syntax of CSS. Jason Cranford Teague shows that once you get the hang of it, you’ll be speaking in CSS in no time.

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