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Web Design & Development

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John Deubert’s AcrobatiX: A Color Management Primer
Aug 4, 2011
Color management is a fact of life. Nearly all of the color we see on a computer display is adjusted one way or another before it reaches our eyeballs. Acrobat expert John Deubert looks at the basics of how this adjustment works.
John Deubert’s AcrobatiX: Advanced Text Search in Acrobat X
Jun 6, 2011
Do you need to find out which of the 183 PDF files in your Documents folder contain references to Uncle Henry's Newt Farms? Acrobat's Advanced Search makes it a snap, and author John Deubert shows you how it works.
John Deubert’s AcrobatiX: Exporting PDF to an Image
Jul 6, 2011
Acrobat X enables you to export your PDF pages to a series of images. Why would you want to do that? Author John Deubert explains that sometimes a picture works better than a thousand words.
John Deubert’s AcrobatiX: Movies in PDF Documents
Jun 20, 2011
Have you ever wished your love letter could show a movie right there on the PDF page? Think of it: You on one knee, declaring your love, swearing eternal fealty (or, too often in my case, begging forgiveness). No? Well, fire up your imagination, because author John Deubert shows you how PDF files are really good at video and how it’s so easy to do.
John Deubert’s AcrobatiX: Secrets of Sticky Notes
Jul 18, 2011
May PDF users love sticky notes, those little yellow speech bubbles we scatter throughout a PDF document with comments, carps, and complaints about pages’ contents? PDF expert John Deubert uses them all the time, and it turns out they don’t have to be yellow and they don’t need to be speech bubbles. He shows us how to make our PDF sticky notes stand out.
John Deubert’s AcrobatiX: Two Exotic Annotations
Aug 23, 2011
Are people ignoring your sticky notes? Do your spreadsheet files invariable become separated from your financial reports? Acrobat supplies two annotation types that fix these problems and are strangely underused: The Sound and File Attachment tools are well worth knowing about!
JSP Coding Methodologies
Feb 22, 2002
This article, excerpted from Drew Falkman's JRun Web Application Construction Kit (Que, 2001), introduces you to coding methodologies using JavaServer Pages, including how to use the Model-View-Controller (MVC) method.
JSP for Designers
Feb 22, 2002
JSP is not just for programmers. As discussed in this article by Drew Falkman, JSP can actually be a powerful tool for designers who want a little more.
Keyword Optimization for Google AdSense
Oct 21, 2005
Eric Giguere shows you how to fine-tune your web page to raise the prominence of specific keywords for the Google AdSense program.
Landing Pages That Convert Visitors into Buyers
May 7, 2004
Does your current web page lead shoppers down the path to a purchase, or does it let them wander aimlessly around your site? In this chapter top Internet marketer and strategist Catherine Seda outlines the strategy of how to turn poor-performing ad copy into targeted sales-getters, and how you can evaluate and correct low visitor-to-buyer conversions.
Language Choices for Client-Side Scripting
Nov 30, 2001
Multiple languages are available for writing client-side scripts, including JavaScript, VBScript, Perl, Tcl/Tk, and REXX. Scott Loban discusses the nuances of these popular languages for client-side scripts.
Language Essentials
Nov 20, 2006
Layers and Positioning
Jun 8, 2001
DHTML is a collection of techniques to control movement on a page in space and time. In this article, Shelly Brisbin explains the use of Floating Boxes in Adobe GoLive to assist web designers in layering and positioning elements.
Learn Adobe Dreamweaver CC for Web Authoring: Getting the Big Picture
Feb 16, 2016
In this chapter, you’ll take a look at the ways you can use images to further define the look and feel of a design, how to insert and position images, and the tools that Dreamweaver provides to help you get those jobs done.
Learn How to Script Adobe Photoshop CS2
Dec 30, 2005
This chapter demonstrates several techniques for creating scripts to use specifically with Adobe Photoshop CS2. More importantly, you'll learn how to use the Adobe Photoshop CS2 scripting references to find the objects, classes, properties, methods, and even some values (called constants or enumerations) you can use to create JavaScripts for Adobe Photoshop CS2.
Learn to Code HTML and CSS: Opening the Box Model
May 27, 2014
In this chapter from Learn to Code HTML and CSS: Develop and Style Websites, Shay Howe discusses the box model and how it works with HTML and CSS, and also looks at a few new CSS properties.
Let Visio Map Your Web Site for You
Mar 10, 2006
Do you need a visual map of the pages on your Web site? Laurie Rowell explains how you can use Visio 2003 to create it in minutes.
Logon Scripts: Using KiXtart and.ini Files
Dec 19, 2003
Anybody who manages user accounts knows the advantage of automating the task. The last thing you want to do is visit every desktop to ensure that the users' Windows computers are set up to work properly with your network. One common way to get around this is to use batch files and scripts to smooth the process. Matthew Moran shows you an easy way to gain control of user logons with Kixtart, a free-format scripting language.
Logos & Identity
Nov 20, 2006
Lynda Weinman on What's Next for Flash in 2006
Jan 6, 2006
With Macromedia and Adobe united as one, what's to become of Flash? Lynda Weinman, founder of and the Flashforward Conference & Film Festival, takes a peek at her crystal ball and shares some of her predictions for 2006.

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