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Web Design & Development

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Deprecated Items in ActionScript 2.0 and Some Suggested Alternatives
Jan 6, 2006
The evolution of ActionScript has deprecated many elements of the language. This section lists the deprecated items and suggests alternatives when available.
Lynda Weinman on What's Next for Flash in 2006
Jan 6, 2006
With Macromedia and Adobe united as one, what's to become of Flash? Lynda Weinman, founder of and the Flashforward Conference & Film Festival, takes a peek at her crystal ball and shares some of her predictions for 2006.
Learn How to Script Adobe Photoshop CS2
Dec 30, 2005
This chapter demonstrates several techniques for creating scripts to use specifically with Adobe Photoshop CS2. More importantly, you'll learn how to use the Adobe Photoshop CS2 scripting references to find the objects, classes, properties, methods, and even some values (called constants or enumerations) you can use to create JavaScripts for Adobe Photoshop CS2.
Ten Things You Can Do with CSS (That You Might Not Have Known You Could Do)
Dec 22, 2005
If you're doing anything in, on, or around Web design, you probably already know the basics of using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). But just learning a few rules doesn't mean you know everything. There are many subtle (and not-so-obvious) techniques that combine CSS capabilities in ways to get some striking design effects. Jason Cranford Teague shows you 10 of his favorite things to do with CSS (that you might not have known you could do).
How To Integrate a Database with AJAX
Dec 16, 2005
Kris Hadlock’s AJAX exploration continues with an explanation of how to create real-time data transfers with databases.
A Beginner's Look At ActionScript
Dec 9, 2005
ActionScript 2.0 offers new features unavailable in the previous version. This chapter explains what ActionScript is, and how 2.0 allows for greater customization of behaviors and scripts for Macromedia Flash animations.
How To Create an RSS Aggregator with PHP and AJAX
Dec 9, 2005
Imagine using a simple HTML file to send a request to a server-side script, receive a custom XML file based on that request, and then display it to the user without ever refreshing the browser! Kris Hadlock explains how to use a combination of PHP and AJAX to create real-time data transfers in any application without a browser refresh.
Master Illustrator Essentials
Dec 1, 2005
Designers starting out know Adobe Illustrator as "that program for designing logos," but it's capable of so much more: ads, illustrations, page layouts, and Web graphics, to name just a few applications. It's the industry-standard application for vector graphics. If you're new to Illustrator (or just rusty), this chapter will get you well on your way toward understanding the fundamentals of using Illustrator to create vector graphics.
Working with Layers in Fireworks 8
Dec 1, 2005
The Layers feature is a powerful tool that helps you manage and organize objects on your page. Layers are transparent planes where you can create and store objects. In this lesson, you will create a Web page and use layers to control the placement of objects on the page.
Create a Banner in Flash 8
Nov 23, 2005
In part one of this tutorial, you learned how to create the basic layout of a banner ad. In this part, you will learn to create symbols, animation, and even write some simple ActionScript to make the banner function in this continuation tutorial.
Creating a Podcast
Nov 11, 2005
So, you fancy yourself an amateur DJ, or an amateur talk show host. Podcasting offers you the opportunity to self-publish radio shows on the internet. This chapter explains both the legal and technological requirements of podcasting, and how you can get started creating your own podcasts.
How To Use AJAX
Nov 11, 2005
AJAX, an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is very hot in the growing universe of Web development. While this new technology offers some great capabilities, it also sparks some unquestionable debate over issues with the Back button. Kris Hadlock explains how to use AJAX in a real-world situation and how you can assess its value in a project. By the time you finish reading this article, you'll know what AJAX is as well as where, why, and how to use it.
Is Microsoft's Sparkle the New Flash?
Nov 11, 2005
Anyone who spends any time on the Web is familiar with Flash presentations. They're practically inescapable, they're usually fast, and they're easy to create. And now, they're in danger of being replaced—that is, if you’re buying what Microsoft has to sell you. Matthew David previews Microsoft's answer to the ubiquitous Flash: a new product whose beta name is "Sparkle."
Monetizing Syndicated Content with AdSense for Feeds
Oct 28, 2005
No one quite knows how to make money from syndicated content yet. AdSense for feeds is Google's experiment in monetizing content feeds delivered through RSS and other mechanisms. Eric Giguere discusses why the jury's still out on this program.
Optimizing Your Flash 8 Workspace and Revealing Hidden Features
Oct 28, 2005
Looking for the hidden ways to make Flash 8 work for you? Robert Hoekman, Jr. reveals hidden features, demonstrates how to optimize your workspace, and offers tips galore.
Keyword Optimization for Google AdSense
Oct 21, 2005
Eric Giguere shows you how to fine-tune your web page to raise the prominence of specific keywords for the Google AdSense program.
Conditional Processing in Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7
Oct 14, 2005
Conditional processing allows ColdFusion to code interactive documents that can react and adapt to input and environments and offer feedback to end users. This chapter covers conditional processing with an eye toward passing the Certified ColdFusion Developer exam.
Introducing Macromedia Fireworks 8
Oct 14, 2005
Fireworks 8 delivers a huge number of tools that allow you to work at your creative best when editing and manipulating graphics. Matthew David's rapid-fire overview will whet your appetite for this much-improved new version.
Is Microsoft Expression Graphic Designer Good Enough to Take On Adobe Illustrator?
Oct 14, 2005
Microsoft's upcoming Windows Vista promises a new era of rich, graphically engaging experiences. The new beta illustration tool, Expression Graphic Designer, will allow you to create content for Vista. What is interesting, however, is that Graphic Designer is being promoted as a serious professional tool that will compete against current tools such as Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Fireworks. Does Graphic Designer stand up against these power tools? Maybe.
Web Ad Layout and Placement Strategies for Maximum Clickthroughs
Oct 14, 2005
Although there are no absolute rules about placing advertisements on your website and which layout options to choose, Eric Giguere gives you some general guidelines to follow to help maximize clickthroughs.

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