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Web Design & Development

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MySpace for Parents
Dec 15, 2006
If you are a parent of teenagers in this digital age, you must understand how sites like MySpace are influencing your kids choices. This sample chapter provides an overview of how to setup, configure, and cancel a MySpace account.
MySQL Database Design
Feb 7, 2003
The first step in creating and using a database is to establish its structure. The techniques you will learn in this sample chapter will help to ensure the viability, performance, and reliability of your databases.
Myths About "the Web," and How to Get on It
Nov 1, 1998
by Sandee Cohen, author of Fireworks: Visual QuickStart Guide
Navigation Design
Mar 30, 2001
The focus of good navigation design is organization, not graphics. In this article, authors Robin Williams and John Tollett provide some basic rules and examples to help you become a better interface designer.
Need to Find Something Online? Here's the Key to Effective Searches
Sep 23, 2005
Choosing the right keywords is the essence of effective searching. But coming up with good, unique keywords is actually just half the battle. You also need to know how to enter and combine keywords, taking advantage of the basic search tools offered by the major search engines. Some search engines have a different set of instructions depending on whether you're using their simple or advanced versions. But certain general concepts apply across the board and these concepts are all covered here.
Neuro Web Design Review:
May 4, 2009
Susan Weinschenk analyzes the website of an international charitable organization. By making a few changes in the site design, she suggests, the group could increase the amount of good they're already doing for the world.
Neuro Web Design: Invoking Scarcity--If Something Seems Unavailable, We Seem to Want It Even More
Jan 16, 2009
Susan Weinschenk explains why invoking scarcity can be an excellent marketing tool.
New Riders Interview with Don’t Make Me Think Author Steve Krug
Jul 1, 2008
Michael Nolan, senior acquisitions editor with New Riders Press, interviews bestselling author Steve Krug, one of the speakers for the Voices That Matter Web Design Conference that just took place in Nashville.
New Web Tools for Writers
Feb 10, 2006
New web-based processors are popping up everywhere. Do they work as well as Microsoft Word? What do you get? What's missing? Laurie Rowell takes a look.
Nine Rules for Creating Good XML
Mar 7, 2008
HTML allows you to be a little lax, but XML is a sterner taskmaster. James J. Maivald and Cathy Palmer have come up with nine simple rules that will help you to create well-formed XML every time.
Obvious, Yet Subtle: Making Interactivity Easy for Users
Nov 22, 2010
As the creator of an interactive project, you expend a lot of effort to make the project intuitive for the end user. You have to anticipate the needs and reactions of the viewers. Somehow, you have to make it obvious where to click in order to make things happen; otherwise, how will they know where all the fun is? Claudia McCue shows how to make interactivity simpler for your users.
One Process Fits All
Oct 5, 2001
A single, comprehensive workflow can be incorporated and adapted by all web development teams: a set of core steps that apply to all projects. One process -- the Core Process -- fits all, with a focused emphasis on the specific needs of redesign.
Optimize Your Web Animation Workflow
Apr 27, 2015
Say goodbye to deep-nesting JavaScript callbacks and to dirtying your stylesheets with unwieldy CSS animations. It's time to up your web animation game. Julian Shapiro shows you how in this excerpt from Web Animation using JavaScript: Develop & Design.
Optimizing Flow in Web Design
Jul 11, 2003
Create exceptional moments or "flow experiences" for your web users by designing toward their needs. A responsive, well-designed web site can induce flow in its users, and you can learn how to design for speed and feedback to make that flow happen.
Optimizing JavaScript for Download Speed
Apr 18, 2003
Learn how to put your JavaScripts on a low-char diet through techinques such as crunching and obfuscation, and also find the right balance between size and speed, or between features and responsiveness for your scripts.
Optimizing JavaScript for Execution Speed
Apr 25, 2003
Work through an optimization process and speed up your web site. Learn how to improve your JavaScript by choosing the right algorithm and data structure, refactoring to simplify code, minimizing DOM and I/O interaction, and using local optimizations last.
Optimizing PDF Documents for Search Engines
Feb 14, 2003
Learn how to optimize your PDF document to increase its chances of being successfully found via search engines.
Optimizing Your Flash 8 Workspace and Revealing Hidden Features
Oct 28, 2005
Looking for the hidden ways to make Flash 8 work for you? Robert Hoekman, Jr. reveals hidden features, demonstrates how to optimize your workspace, and offers tips galore.
Optimizing Your Flash MX 2004 Workspace and Revealing Hidden Features
Nov 13, 2003
Let Robert Hoekman, Jr. show you the keys to Flash MX 2004 workspace organization, and discover a few cool features along the way.
Ordering Disorder: Grid Principles for Web Design: Process
Feb 15, 2011
Khoi Vinh outlines principles that every designer should keep in mind when building a grid.

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