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Web Design & Development

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Broadcasting Video Over the Web
May 20, 2005
And you thought access to 200 cable channels was more than enough? Now there could be millions more. Per Matthew David, the time has finally come for video to be successfully broadcast over the Internet.
Five Questions with CSS Author Dave Shea
Mar 25, 2005
Dave Shea, director of the CSS Zen Garden, answers some questions about his upcoming book and what's coming next from this CSS guru.
Blogging: Can It Be Useful for Your Business?
Mar 18, 2005
Blogging is here to stay, but did you know that blogging can be an important business tool? You can communicate with your customers and have them communicate with you in a real and meaningful way. You can build your awareness, influence the way people think about your company, and build better products by virtue of real two-way communication. And, yes, you can find out what your millions of potential customers are saying and then respond to them in an open and engaging way. Blogging expert Jeremy Wright shows you why you ignore this important tool at your peril.
Integrated Web Design: The Meaning of Semantics (Take I)
Feb 18, 2005
Nearly every web designer is guilty of forcing line breaks, creating tables that don't hold tabular data, and a host of other egregious HTML sins. Now that CSS is around, Molly E. Holzschlag slaps our hands and explains why we should pay attention to each element's content, not just its looks.
What's Acceptable Search Engine "Spam" Technique?
Jan 21, 2005
While there are certainly some shady practices that you can use to "cheat" your way into a better page rank from search engines, some practices that are marked as "spam" can actually be quite innocent. Dave Taylor provides two examples of perfectly innocent web design elements that have been called "spam" by pagerank purists.
The Right Way to Link To Pages On Your Site
Jan 14, 2005
What is the best way to code internal links throughout your site to optimize your visibility for search engines? In some cases, like weblogs, the difference between a relative link and an absolute link can mean a significant difference in searchability.
Three Ways to Adversely Impact your Google Pagerank
Jan 7, 2005
There are plenty of tips you can use to increase your pagerank, but some of these can actually backfire, hurting your page's score. Find out what you might be doing to hurt your search engine visibility in this article by Dave Taylor.
How Does Google Figure out What Pages are More Relevant? Pagerank
Dec 30, 2004
Dave Taylor helps you understand Pagerank, a critical first step in increasing the visibility of your website in Google searches.
Podcasting: Evolution or Revolution?
Dec 30, 2004
Is podcasting to iPods really what Tivo is to television? Jake Ludington explores.
Untold Mysteries of CSS
Dec 23, 2004
Molly Holzschlag looks behind the curtain to show you how three untold CSS mysteries can be put to use to assist with diagnostics during development, savvy global styling, out-and-out hacks, better design flexibility, and accessibility.
10 Minutes with Flash: SWF-to-SWF Communication
Dec 17, 2004
In the world of complicated web applications, there's often a need to communicate between multiple SWF files and to transfer data from one to another. In only 10 minutes, Robert Hoekman, Jr. gets you headed in the right direction with SWF-to-SWF communication.
Integrating Photoshop and Illustrator to Create Professional Imagery
Nov 18, 2004
Using some cool filters and effects from Adobe Illustrator, you can create vector mosaics from bitmap graphics, or even change squares into circles. Find out here how to make it work for you.
Redesigning a Big Umbrella of Websites: The Informit CSS Overhaul
Nov 5, 2004
Informit and its many sister sites, all divisions of the Pearson Technology Group, recently united in one code base. How does a huge conglomerate of independent web sites become one system of technologies that works for everyone? Meryl K. Evans tells the tale.
The Making of a Moblog
Oct 8, 2004
Delve into the world of moblogging, or "mobile web logging," the art of using a phone or other mobile device to publish content on the Web. Find out what motivates people to post personal photos for the world to see — and learn how to choose a moblog site once you get hooked!
Creating Basic Lines and Shapes in Illustrator CS
Aug 27, 2004
This sample chapter from the book Adobe Illustrator CS Creative Studio by Luanne Cohen explains how to create paths with Illustrator's line and shape tools. It also contains invaluable charts for working with each of the tools' features.
10 Minutes with Flash: Working with Web Services
Aug 13, 2004
Robert Hoekman, Jr. shows you how to connect to web services and display the resulting data in Flash. And, as always, he does it in 10 minutes.
Styling a Photo Collection Using CSS
Aug 13, 2004
Eric Meyer walks you through a web page design project to present a collection of photographs for sale.
Integrated Web Design: Position This! CSS Positioning Demystified
Aug 6, 2004
In this installment of Integrated Web Design, Molly Holzschlag teaches you all about positioning schemes.
The Illustrator Interface
Jul 30, 2004
Elaine Weinmann and Peter Lourekas introduce Illustrator's tools, menus, palettes, and measurement systems.
10 Minutes with Flash: Creating a Custom Panel
Jul 23, 2004
In only 10 minutes, Robert Hoekman, Jr. shows you how to create a custom panel that pulls up Flash tutorials faster than you can say "Resources."

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