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Web Design & Development

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Overview of HTML5 Multimedia
Dec 19, 2011
One of the most talked about aspects of HTML5 is the introduction of native multimedia. The audio and video elements make the adding of multimedia to your web pages a whole lot easier. Web developer Ian Devlin gives a brief overview of these elements and shows how they can be used and what can be done with them.
Page Design in Dreamweaver CS4 with apDiv Tags
Apr 20, 2009
Short of coding your own CSS, the apDiv feature in Dreamweaver CS4 gives you as much flexibility and convenience in page design as you'll find in any environment. David Karlins provides a tour of this handy tag and its features for speedy web page creation.
Pause & Effect: The Art of Interactive Narrative
Oct 4, 2002
We can think of writing a narrative as interface design. Mark Meadows explains the art of narrative in this article.
PDF and Graphics Strategies
Apr 6, 2001
When publishing PDF documents, size is a large issue. The way graphics are initially inserted and saved as well as the type of graphics used can dramatically change the size of a PDF file. This article discusses strategies for reducing PDF size.
PDF Font Strategies
Apr 6, 2001
Fonts are an intrinsic part of how PDFs work, and the decision of whether and how to include fonts is critical. This article discusses font options to consider when designing PDF documents, including embedding, anti-aliasing, sizing, and readability.
Pen Tool Mastery in Adobe Illustrator CS5
Dec 16, 2010
Have you been ignoring Illustrator's Pen tool? Brian Wood wasn't crazy about working with the Pen tool, but after a bit of experimentation he has come to rely on it. Tune in here to learn some of Brian's best Pen tool techniques.
PHP 5 Security Techniques
Apr 13, 2007
Most beginning programmers fail to understand the truth about security: there is no such thing as "secure" or "insecure." The wise programmer knows that the real question is how secure a site is. The focus in this sample chapter is therefore how to make your applications more secure.
PHP and .NET
Jun 21, 2002
Web developer Andrew Stopford shows you how PHP can be used within the .NET framework.
PHP and Web Services
Oct 4, 2002
PHP is a great language for developing web services, and this chapter shows you just what a web service is and how it is made up.
PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide: Using Numbers
Apr 7, 2011
The chapter begins by creating an HTML form that will be used to generate number variables. Then you’ll learn how to perform basic arithmetic, how to format numbers, and how to cope with operator precedence. The last two sections of this chapter cover incrementing and decrementing numbers, plus generating random numbers. Throughout the chapter, you’ll also learn about other useful number-related PHP functions.
Planning a ColdFusion Mail Client
Feb 14, 2003
Follow along with FlashFusion, a fictional company tasked with outlining, developing, and deploying a web-based email client.
Planning a Dynamic Site with Macromedia Studio MX 2004
Jan 9, 2004
Planning a dynamic site is hard work. Project Scope documents, creative briefs, technical briefs... Thankfully this sample chapter helps pull it all together.
Planning for and Managing Browser Support
Dec 7, 2009
With a flurry of new browsers hitting users’ computers and mobile devices this year, everyone involved with the Web has had to scramble to ensure that their sites are compatible with the latest and greatest. This has left many Web professionals and business teams wondering, “What browsers should my site support?” Kimberly Blessing helps you answer that question.
Podcasting Made Easy with GarageBand 3, iWeb, and .Mac
Apr 14, 2006
If you're worried that podcasting seems too complicated, take heart. Apple's iLife '06 makes if fun and easy to put your voice out there. Find out how easy it is with this step-by-step guide from expert Ryan Faas.
Podcasting Made Easy with Podcast Factory
May 12, 2006
Do you have something to say but need to find an audience? You might want to give podcasting a try. Bryan Hoff shows you how to get up and running with Podcast Factory for under $200. Soapbox not included.
Podcasting: Evolution or Revolution?
Dec 30, 2004
Is podcasting to iPods really what Tivo is to television? Jake Ludington explores.
Positioning Flash CS4 Objects in 3D Space
Sep 23, 2008
What’s so cool about Flash CS4? You can now position and animate objects in real 3D space. The Adobe Creative Team demonstrates how to use the following special Flash tools for accurate 3D positioning: the 3D Rotation tool, the 3D Translation tool, and the Transform panel.
Positioning Web Elements in the Background Using CSS
Jul 2, 2004
There is only one way to get a smooth translucency effect in Explorer for Windows, and Eric Meyer shows you how in this article.
ppk on JavaScript: Context
May 14, 2009
JavaScript is used in the context of a Web page. This is obvious, but it has a few consequences that haven’t always been properly appreciated. Peter-Paul Koch discusses the standards-compliance CSS revolution that has changed Web development, starting with a quick summary of the CSS revolution and its impact on JavaScript.
Practical Advice for Developing Web Software Applications
Feb 29, 2008
Need help updating an outdated site? Learn how to identify web apps that are stuck in the past and prepare them for the future with advice from several of New Riders' Voices That Matter.

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