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Web Design & Development

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10 Minutes with Flash: Writing Custom Behaviors
Jul 9, 2004
Don't you wish Flash MX 2004 came with more built-in behaviors? In only 10 minutes or less, Robert Hoekman, Jr. helps you create your own behaviors and save yourself lots of grief.
Integrated Web Design: Seven Deadly Markup Sins
Jul 9, 2004
If you're in Web design and development, you're using something to mark up your pages. But despite all our growth and knowledge, some nagging problems remain. Molly Holzschlag helps you hone in on the most common markup mistakes and shows you how to repair them with ease.
Positioning Web Elements in the Background Using CSS
Jul 2, 2004
There is only one way to get a smooth translucency effect in Explorer for Windows, and Eric Meyer shows you how in this article.
10 Minutes with Flash: Creating a Loader Component for Flash Player 7
Jun 25, 2004
Don't like writing the same script more than once? In just 10 minutes, Robert Hoekman, Jr. will show you how to turn a pre-loader script into a reusable component.
Integrated Web Design: Strategies for Long-Term CSS Hack Management
Jun 25, 2004
Molly Holzschlag helps you determine if you need CSS hacks, how to manage them effectively if so, and which hacks you can employ to solve a range of common compatibility problems.
How to Make Your Web Site More Effective
Jun 18, 2004
If you want to draw visitors to your Web site, you'll need to do some legwork to get them there. Get some solid strategies here for attracting — and retaining — visitors.
10 Minutes with Flash: Quick Tricks, Part 2
Jun 11, 2004
Didn't get enough tips and tricks in the last "10 Minutes with Flash" article? Fret not. Robert Hoekman, Jr. has a few other tricks in his arsenal, and each can help you work more efficiently and make you a happier Flash geek.
10 Minutes with Flash: Quick Tricks
May 28, 2004
Eric Meyer on CSS: Style at Dawn
May 21, 2004
It's easy to take two documents and add the CSS styles necessary to create translucent effects using ordinary JPEG images. These images make it fairly easy to create an attractive design.
10 Minutes with Flash: Streaming Video with Flash MX 2004 Professional
May 13, 2004
Robert Hoekman shows you how to use the media display component included within Flash MX 2004 Professional. This component allows you to enable your video to play external Flash Video (FLV) files without having to do any Actionscript coding. Using this component, the external videos will actually stream to your users.
Landing Pages That Convert Visitors into Buyers
May 7, 2004
Does your current web page lead shoppers down the path to a purchase, or does it let them wander aimlessly around your site? In this chapter top Internet marketer and strategist Catherine Seda outlines the strategy of how to turn poor-performing ad copy into targeted sales-getters, and how you can evaluate and correct low visitor-to-buyer conversions.
10 Minutes with Flash: Graphics Tablets and Flash MX 2004
Apr 23, 2004
Step away from that mouse right now! In 10 minutes, Robert Hoekman, Jr. shows you how to make the best use of your graphics tablet while working with Flash.
Creating Bulletproof and Easy to Complete Web Forms
Apr 23, 2004
Effective form design is a great way to boost conversion rates. Jason Fried and Matthew Linderman share with us the secret of how to create attractive and functional forms.
10 Minutes with Flash: Custom, Portable Color Palettes
Apr 9, 2004
Want to get rid of that pesky Web 216-color palette that Flash uses by default? Spend 10 minutes with Robert Hoekman, Jr. to learn how to replace it with your own custom color palette that can be reused in other projects.
Designing and Scoring a Pac-Man Style Maze Game with Flash
Apr 9, 2004
No Editor
Create a Sound Mixing Toy with Flash MX 2004
Apr 2, 2004
Aria Danika shares her fascination with sound toys and generative music and shows you how to build an interactive sound mixing toy with Flash MX 2004.
Dreamweaver MX 2004 Design-O-Mite
Apr 2, 2004
No Editor
Integrated Web Design: Social Networking — The Relationship between Humans and Computers is Coming of Age
Apr 2, 2004
In this compelling article by Molly Holzschlag, you'll learn what social networking is, which languages are emerging to support it, and what it might mean for the next generation of web design and development.
10 Minutes with Flash: Collision Detection for Flash Games
Mar 26, 2004
Spend 10 minutes with Robert Hoekman, Jr. to learn how to create collision detection for a Flash game.
Bookmarks in Acrobat
Mar 19, 2004
In this article, the authors of "Real World Adobe Acrobat 6: Pro and Standard" show you how to nest, create, and edit bookmarks.

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