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Adobe Photoshop

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The Non-Designer's Photoshop Book: Select & Transform
Sep 7, 2011
Robin Williams and John Tollett show you how to work with selection tools and transform commands in Photoshop so you can modify images in almost unlimited ways.
The Perfect Specimen: A Scientist's Guide to Acquiring Good Images
Jun 27, 2008
When you're using photos for scientific research, they have to be more than just in focus, they need to be extremely accurate. In this sample chapter from Scientific Imaging with Photoshop, author Jerry Sedgewick tells scientists and researchers how to get the best photographic input from a variety of sources.
The Photographer's Guide to Planning a Vacation
Mar 3, 2006
A photographic journey is 80 percent preparation and 20 percent vacation. Planning the perfect trip requires a bit of mental elbow grease and a lot of time finding resources, looking up information, and managing logistics. In the end, work you do before you go pays off in spades when you see your photographs. This chapter helps you do the preparation that results in a fantastic photographic vacation.
The Photoshop CS Camera Raw Dialog Box
Aug 13, 2004
The RAW file format for digital pictures is available with some high-end digital cameras, and in this article, you can learn how to manipulate the additional data contained in these files to more elaborately enhance your photos.
The Photoshop CS5 Pocket Guide: Making Corrections
Jul 9, 2010
Even carefully planned and posed photographs can have flaws. Photos you snap on the spur of the moment are even more likely to include distracting background objects or to have less-than-ideal lighting. The good news is that you can improve—and sometimes even perfect—exposure and lighting. You can also often remove unwanted objects, such as phone lines or even people, in Photoshop.
The Photoshop Elements 9 Book for Digital Photographers: Jonas Sees in Color: Color Correction Secrets
Feb 17, 2011
Scott Kelby and Matt Kloskowski share color correction secrets of Photoshop Elements 9, including how to work with Adjustment Layers, Histograms, and adjusting flesh tones.
The Photoshop Elements Secret to Fixing Group Shots
Jul 7, 2014
With Photoshop Elements’ Group Shot feature, as long as you have a few photos to choose from, you can create the perfect group photo, even if someone has their eyes closed.
The Top Five Add-ons for Apple's iPhoto
May 4, 2007
Ever since its initial introduction, Apple's iPhoto has been a great tool for anyone with a digital camera. As great as iPhoto is, however, longtime users with libraries containing thousands of photos know that the application does have some areas that need enhancing to make it more powerful and seamless for today's digital photographers. Ryan Faas gives his top five iPhoto plug-ins and helper applications to help tame your iPhoto library and expand your iPhoto experience.
There's Always Something to Bounce Light Off Of
Apr 21, 2008
Veteran author Joe McNally, whose work has graced the pages of Sports Illustrated, National Geographic, and Time (to name a few), shares the stories behind some of his greatest shots as well as the lighting techniques he used to make them great.
Thinking Outside the Box-Shaped Photo: How to Create Cool Photo Edges in Photoshop CS2
Feb 17, 2006
Don't be satisfied with boring rectangular photos! Thanks to Photoshop, you can use simple techniques to create amazing edge effects and cool artistic borders that can add the ultimate finishing touch to your photos. Dave Cross shows you how easy it is to create many different variations from three key techniques.
To Get the Shot, Ya Gotta Break the Rules
Feb 15, 2008
Veteran photographer Joe McNally—whose work has appeared in Time, Life, and Sports Illustrated magazines—shares a few of his favorite tricks from his runaway bestseller The Moment It Clicks, in which Joe shares how he got some of his best shots.
To Photoshop or Not to Photoshop
May 3, 2010
How do you answer a student who begins a design or digital imaging class with the question, “Are we gonna learn Photoshop in this class?” In this article, the question is re-addressed to the student: “Why do you need Photoshop when so much can be accomplished in the camera using formal compositional properties?" xtine burrough explains a recent assignment based on’s popular article, “15 Images You Won’t Believe Aren’t Photoshopped.”
Tone Editing Controls in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4
Aug 18, 2012
Martin Evening provides a summary of what the Process 2012 sliders in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 do.
Top 10 Reasons Why Adobe Lightroom Rocks
Feb 24, 2006
Matt Kloskowski doesn't just like Adobe's new Lightroom application; he's crazy about it. With a ton of useful features, Lightroom helps digital photographers to get in, get done, and get away from the computer, so they can focus on what they do best: taking pictures.
Top 10 Tips for Working in 3D in Photoshop
Feb 16, 2015
Steve Caplin, author of Adobe Photoshop for 3D Design and Printing: Learn by Video, shares techniques and shortcuts for being more productive and saving time when working with Photoshop's 3D capabilities.
Top 5 Tips for Restoring Your Photos with Photoshop
Jun 30, 2015
If you're keen to restore old photos, Photoshop is the right tool. Connect with Robert Correll, author of Photo Restoration: From Snapshots to Great Shots, as he shares some of his top photo restoration tips.
Transformations with the Content-Aware Move Tool in Adobe Photoshop CC (2015 release)
Jun 19, 2015
In this excerpt from Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (2015 release), learn how, with the Content-Aware Move tool, you only need a few quick steps to create a copy of an image that combines seamlessly with the background, and is also different enough that it doesn’t look like an exact copy of the original.
Two Quick Things about Working in Photoshop CS5
Dec 17, 2010
In this excerpt from The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers, Scott Kelby tells you what you’ll want to know about tabbed browsing (especially if you’re coming to CS5 from CS3), and how Adobe tweaked workspaces in CS5.
Uncovering Layers of Differences in Photoshop CS2
Oct 28, 2005
Afraid of change? Think the old ways are always best? There have been some significant changes to the way you work with layers in Photoshop CS2, which might take some getting used to. Dave Cross suggests hanging loose and embracing the changes. In many cases, it's easier to work with layers than ever before.
Understand How Color Works in Photoshop
Jan 13, 2006
Computers know nothing about images, or tone, color, truth, beauty, or art. They're just very complicated adding machines that crunch numbers. Fortunately, you don't have to learn hexadecimal or binary math to use Photoshop, but unless you like heavily pixellated output and wildly unpredictable color shifts, you really want to understand the essential lessons about images that authors Bruce Fraser and David Blatner lay out in this chapter.

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