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Adobe Photoshop

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Retouching Portraits with Smart Filters in Adobe Photoshop CS3
Feb 16, 2007
The Photoshop CS3 Beta has changed a lot of things about the way you use Photoshop, but perhaps nothing is as dramatic as Smart Filters. David Cross demonstrates how to use this tool to retouch a photo in a very nondestructive, editable-anytime manner.
Get Your Picture Perfect—No Photoshop Required
Feb 2, 2007
Photoshop offers incredible tools for correcting and adjusting exposure, tone, and color. However, very often an image is unusable not because of problems with its exposure or color, but because it's poorly composed. In this chapter, you'll learn how—by employing a few good shooting habits and paying more attention when shooting—you can get your compositions right in the camera, and avoid a trip to your image editor.
Misunderstood Photoshop: Blend If
Jan 19, 2007
Helen Bradley explores Blend If, a smart Photoshop blending tool that can be used to knock out an object from its background or to blend two images. The article also includes a video tutorial so you can easily follow along.
Rick Sammon Shows You How to Bring Out Your Inner Artist in Photoshop
Jan 19, 2007
Ready to dive a little deeper into the creative world of Photoshop? In this chapter, you'll learn how to create your own reality with your images. You'll see, among other things, how easy it is to change the time of day, control the weather, create an image that looks like it was taken before you were born, change one or all of the colors in a scene, and put someone on the "Photoshop Diet."
Create a Flash Gallery in a Photoshop Elements 5
Jan 12, 2007
You used to need web development skills to even think about creating an online gallery. Now, thanks to the new Flash photo galleries in Photoshop Elements 5, all it takes is a few clicks. Matt Kloskowski shows you the way in a fun and easy video tutorial.
Seeing Your Pictures in Advance
Jan 8, 2007
Misunderstood Photoshop: The History Brush
Jan 5, 2007
Photoshop's History Brush is great for fixing those little "oops" moments when you've messed up an image, but it also lets you use previous states of the image to create new effects. Helen Bradley shows why the History Brush should be a valued member of your Photoshop toolkit in this article and video tutorial.
Create Art: Make Your Own Photo Background
Dec 29, 2006
If the background of your picture is getting more attention than the subjects in the foreground, try Helen Bradley's Photoshop trick for making the background more attractive and a lot less distracting.
Fix Common Color Problems in Photoshop Elements 5: Video Tutorial
Dec 15, 2006
In this video tutorial, Matt Kloskowski shows you how to use the new Adjust Color Curves feature in Elements 5 to easily—and visually—fix common color problems.
Real World Image Sharpening Tips From Expert Bruce Fraser
Dec 1, 2006
Avoid oversharpening your images and learn how to set up a multipass sharpening workflow in Adobe Photoshop CS2 in this excellent sample chapter from best-selling author Bruce Fraser.
Create a Killer Black and White Photo Using Photoshop Elements 5 Video Tutorial
Nov 17, 2006
The process of turning a color photo into a beautiful black and white has been revolutionized with the introduction of Photoshop Elements 5. Matt Kloskowski shows you how to use Elements to create killer black and white photos through two short video tutorials. One video shows you the easy, one-click way to create black and whites, while the other video tutorial shows you how to get a tad more control over the conversion process.
Creative-Image Artistry
Nov 13, 2006
Make Your Own Photoshop Brushes
Nov 3, 2006
Photoshop expert Dave Cross shows you how to make your own Photoshop brushes in this fast and easy two-page tutorial.
Fix Skin Color in Photoshop Elements 4 with One Click
Oct 27, 2006
If the people in your digital photos look like aliens, try Matt Kloskowski's tricks with Photoshop Elements to return their skin to a more normal color. (If they really are aliens, of course, we can't help you there.)
Use Photoshop LAB to Spice Up Your Image's Colors
Oct 13, 2006
The best cooks never follow recipes, or at least not literally. A pinch of something extra here, a little bit of something not in the list of ingredients there, and presto, a culinary masterpiece. It's that way with LAB, too. In this sample chapter, you'll learn how to wipe out casts while enhancing other colors, exclude brilliant colors without formally selecting them or using a mask, and choose certain colors for more of a boost than others.
Working with Photoshop Shapes
Sep 29, 2006
Take Helen Bradley's quick course in using Photoshop's built-in shapes and learn how to make your own custom shapes to add life and dimension to your digital art projects.
Create Picture Packages in Photoshop Elements 4
Sep 8, 2006
Have you ever had an image that you wanted to make into a holiday card or duplicate for friends and relatives? In this excerpt, author Lisa Matthews shows you a quick and easy way to create a mulitple-picture layout using just one file.
Create Faux Reflections in Photoshop
Sep 1, 2006
Adding reflections to your photographs gives them an exciting and unexpected element. Thanks to the power of Photoshop, your reflections can be realistic—or not. If no shiny surface is handy, why not conjure up an instant pond or puddle to reflect surrounding objects? Helen Bradley shows you step-by-step how to add fun faux reflections to images with Photoshop.
Sharpening Strategies
Aug 28, 2006
Multiple Image Printing in Photoshop
Aug 25, 2006
On the face of it, printing in Photoshop is a simple process. You simply choose File > Print with Preview, click a couple of options, and you're done. So far, so good. But what happens when you need to print multiple copies of an image or you want different sizes for all your relatives? Suddenly things aren't so simple. To clear things up, Helen Bradley explains the ins and outs of multiple image printing in this hands-on article. You'll learn how to print one image (or many) several times on one sheet of paper using the built-in Photoshop Picture Package tool. You'll also discover why Contact Sheets might be your tool of choice in some scenarios.

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