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The Trouble with Standards
Aug 28, 2006
Thinking about Web Aesthetics
Jun 20, 2003
Lynda Weinman outlines what she sees as the essentials to good web design. She will guide you through color themes, typography, layout design and animation. Along the way, you will see multiple examples of the good and the ugly of web design.
Three Ways to Adversely Impact your Google Pagerank
Jan 7, 2005
There are plenty of tips you can use to increase your pagerank, but some of these can actually backfire, hurting your page's score. Find out what you might be doing to hurt your search engine visibility in this article by Dave Taylor.
Tips for Writing Content For Mobile Users
Oct 31, 2012
Jakob Nielsen and Raluca Budiu explain that while there are many other points to consider, the main usability guideline for mobile content is this: When you’re writing for mobile users, focus their attention on the essential content.
Tips on Designing Web Pages
Jan 1, 1999
by Robin Williams, from The Non-Designer's Guerrilla Marketing Guide
Top 10 Content Strategy Mistakes to Avoid
Apr 20, 2012
Melissa Rach, coauthor of Content Strategy for the Web, Second Edition, sees far too many organizations making similar mistakes in their outreach attempts. The "throw it together" approach that most people employ tends to create havoc, rather than useful information for potential customers and clients. She shares 10 of the most common (and dangerous) pitfalls that everyone should learn to avoid.
Transition or Animation: Which One Should You Use?
Feb 5, 2015
CSS animations and transitions can be used to create a variety of effects on websites. In fact, you can usually create any effect from either a transition of animation. Steven Bradley helps you decide which one should you choose and why.
Undercover User Experience Design: Making It Real
Oct 28, 2010
The authors of Undercover User Experience Design discuss deliverables that you can use to document your ongoing design work, including sitemap, storyboard, and wireframe.
Untold Mysteries of CSS
Dec 23, 2004
Molly Holzschlag looks behind the curtain to show you how three untold CSS mysteries can be put to use to assist with diagnostics during development, savvy global styling, out-and-out hacks, better design flexibility, and accessibility.
Usability Experts Are from Mars, Graphic Designers Are from Venus
Jan 25, 2002
Usability mavens such as Jakob Nielsen think that the Web is an ill-used database. Graphic designers such as Kioken think that it is a fledgling multimedia platform. Could both groups be right? Curt Cloninger looks at both sides of this issue.
Usability Test Plan
Nov 20, 2006
Using AdSense for Content to Rent Ad Space to Google
Sep 30, 2005
Ever the advertising pioneer, Google offers website owners the chance to rent ad space to Google with its simple but sophisticated program called AdSense for content. Eric Giguere provides the details in this article.
Using Dreamweaver Template Expressions
Dec 27, 2002
Discover how Dreamweaver MX's new template expressions feature offers a great deal of flexibility and power.
Using Flash 5's Stock Smart Clips
Oct 26, 2001
This sample chapter from Inside Flash 5 explains how to use, get information in and out of, and customize smart clips.
Using iWeb to Make Great Homepages in Minutes
Mar 31, 2006
You've heard that Apple's iWeb is easy to use, and you've seen some great examples of iWeb sites. But can you really create those great sites in half an hour, even if you don't know anything about HTML and have never tried designed a Web page? Yes, you can. Ryan Faas takes you through the process step by step.
Using Layers for Transparency and Clipping in Illustrator CS4
Jun 1, 2009
Do you think of layers strictly as a selection tool? You're missing out. David Karlins points out a number of ways in which layers can be used to edit artwork in Illustrator.
Using the Image Viewer in Dreamweaver MX 2004
Oct 31, 2003
In this article you will learn to use the Image Viewer Flash Element to create an interactive slideshow for your Web site with Macromedia's Dreamweaver MX 2004.
Using the Liquid CSS Layouts in Dreamweaver CS4
Feb 5, 2009
Liquid layouts, based on a percentage of the size of the browser's window (or viewport), are one way to create flexible sites that work for a variety of users. In this chapter, learn the pros and cons of creating a liquid layout.
Video with Adobe Flash CS4: Delivery and Deployment Primer
May 20, 2009
Learn the differences between distribution file formats and protocols for Flash-based video, along with their advantages and disadvantages.
Web Accessibility, Part 3: Creating Screen Reader-Friendly Web Pages
Jan 4, 2002
Discover a few good Web page construction methods to get you on the right track toward creating screen reader-friendly Web pages.

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