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Shows students how to take advantage of the major creativity and productivity improvements built into the newest version of Adobe InDesign.
Helps students succeed with InDesign in a wider range of environments, including business and technical publishing.
Students benefit from a course that reflects Adobe's own expertise and has been extensively pre-tested and refined to improve its clarity and educational effectiveness.
Gives students a single source for mastering the entire Adobe InDesign 2.0 package, from the basics through InDesign's most advanced techniques and capabilities.
Lets students to perform the course's projects hands-on.
Lets students immediately check their knowledge and revisit any part of the chapter they haven't mastered.
Helps students leverage their existing skills with other Adobe tools to create graphics-intensive documents more effectively and efficiently.
InDesign 2.0 takes Adobe's popular page-layout program to the nextlevel--there's no area that hasn't been improved, streamlined, redesigned,or stuffed with new features. Who better to show you the fastest, easiestway to get to work with InDesign 2.0 than the pros behind the software?Adobe InDesign 2.0 Classroom in a Book brings the company's officialtraining series to your desktop.
Adobe InDesign 2.0 Classroom in a Book is a hands-on workbookstructured as a series of lessons--tested in Adobe's own classrooms andlabs--that you can follow on your own time, at your own pace. Forbeginners, there are step-by-step lessons that cover the fundamentalconcepts and features you need to master the program. If you've been usingInDesign, you can skip straight to the many sections on advanced features.Every chapter is sprinkled with professional tips and techniques and endswith a review section that reinforces what you've just put into practice; aCD full of project files provides everything you need to complete thelessons. Adobe InDesign 2.0 Classroom in a Book covers what's newand improved in InDesign 2.0: XML import and export, transparency, tablecreation, long document support, a superior printing interface, native MacOS X support, and tighter integration with Adobe LiveMotion, Photoshop,Illustrator, and more.
Getting Started.
A Quick Tour of Adobe InDesign.
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Work Area.
Lesson 2: Setting Up Your Document.
Lesson 3: Working with Frames.
Lesson 4: Creating and Applying Colors, Tints, and Gradients.
Lesson 5: Importing and Linking Graphics.
Lesson 6: Drawing Vector Graphics.
Lesson 7: Working with Transparency.
Lesson 8: Importing and Editing Text.
Lesson 9: Working with Typography.
Lesson 10: Creating Tables.
Lesson 11: Publishing with XML.
Lesson 12: Combining Files into Books.
Lesson 13: Setting Up Your Monitor for Color Management.
Lesson 14: Ensuring Consistent Color.
Click below to download the CD files related for Adobe InDesign 2.0 Classroom in a Boo:
Lesson Files